What Causes Love Handles and How to Get Rid of Them (2024)

What are love handles?

“Love handles” are areas of skin that extend outward from the hips. When combined with tight clothing, love handles can become more pronounced, but they aren’t caused by tight clothes alone. They indicate excess fat accumulation around the hips and abdominal area.

Learn more about the causes of love handles and how you can treat them.

The underlying cause of love handles is fat retention.

Generally speaking, fat cells accumulate when your body takes in too many calories or you don’t burn as many calories as you’re consuming. Over time, these fat cells can become noticeable as they accumulate in certain areas, such as around your waist and hips.

Fat can accumulate anywhere in the body, but there are certain factors that increase the likelihood for retaining fat in the hip, lower back, and abdominal areas. Factors that contribute to love handle formation include:

  • hormones, especially too much cortisol
  • age (belly fat accumulation is particularly common as you get older)
  • lack of physical activity
  • diet high in fats, sugars, and high-calorie foods
  • sleep deprivation
  • undiagnosed or untreated conditions that slow down your metabolism (hypothyroidism — or underactive thyroid — for example, makes it difficult to burn off extra calories)

Love handles aren’t dangerous, but they may indicate underlying risk factors for chronic illnesses. These include:

  • high blood pressure (hypertension)
  • high cholesterol
  • heart disease
  • sleep apnea and other breathing issues
  • stroke
  • type 2 diabetes
  • cancer, especially of the colon and breast
  • liver disease
  • osteoarthritis

Preventing love handles may help boost your overall health.

A quick search on the internet reveals targeted exercises for specific areas of the body, including love handles. But fat reduction can’t be achieved with spot exercises alone. While strengthening and resistance activities can help with muscle tone and flexibility, they don’t shrink fat cells.

Try combining cardiovascular exercises with weight lifting and targeted movements for optimal results. If you’re trying to lose weight and overall body fat, you may need up to five hours of moderate exercise per week.

It’s also important to maintain a healthy diet and avoid taking in more calories than you’re burning. For gradual fat loss and weight maintenance, incorporate aerobic activities, such as walking, bike riding, and swimming.

Even if you can’t fit in a full-length workout every single day, you’ll reap the benefits of simply being more active.

Here are just some of the exercises that target the back, abs, and hip regions.

Side planks

There are several modifications for side planks that can make the move more or less challenging. To perform the basic side plank:

  1. Start by lying on your side. Prop yourself up on one arm: Your elbow should be in line with your shoulder; your forearm should be flat against the ground, at a right angle to your body.
  2. Stack your legs, one on top of the other, so that your body forms a straight line from head to hip. With your knee still touching the ground, raise your hips.
  3. Squeeze your glutes (gluteus muscles) and hold the move for 30 seconds to a minute.
  4. While doing the move, focus on keeping your abs tight to help support your body.
  5. Switch sides and repeat.

For a more challenging move, try raising your knees off the ground so that the only parts of your body touching the ground are the side of your foot and your forearm.

You can also incorporate hip dips. To do this, while in your side-plank position, slowly lower your hip an inch or two and then slowly lift it back up. Repeat this for 30 seconds to a minute.

Bicycle crunches

It can be tempting to rush through bicycle crunches, but the key to this move is slow, controlled movements.

  1. Lie on your back with your hands behind your head and your knees bent.
  2. Lift your shoulders and head off the ground as you engage your abs. At the same time, lift your feet off the ground, keeping your knees bent, so that your shins are parallel to the ground.
  3. Slowly twist your body so that your left elbow moves toward your right knee. As you twist your body, extend your left leg straight out in front of you.
  4. Slowly twist in the other direction, bring your left leg back to its bent position, with your right elbow moving toward your left knee. As you twist your body, extend your right leg out in front of you.
  5. Do 15 to 30 repetitions.

Russian twists

This is another seated exercise. You can modify it by adding weight. If you’re new to this exercise, try doing it without weight, first. As you get used to it, you can try holding a hand weight, filled water bottle, or even a can of soup or vegetables to increase the resistance.

  1. Start in a seated position on the floor with your butt on the ground, your knees bent, and your feet flat on the floor.
  2. Tightening your abdomen, lean your torso back so that you’re at about a 45-degree angle to the floor. If you’re not using a weight, clasp your hands together. If you’re using a weight, hold it in your hands, just above your abdomen.
  3. Still with knees bent, lift your feet off the ground so that you’re balancing on your butt. For additional support, you can cross your ankles.
  4. Twist your torso to the right, bringing your clasped hands or your weight to the right side of your body.
  5. Twist to the left, touching the weight or your hands to the left side of your body.
  6. Repeat for 30 seconds to a minute.

Mountain climber

This move can help increase your heart rate as you strengthen your muscles. Work up to increasing your speed as you get stronger.

  1. Start in a plank position. To get into a plank position, lie flat on the floor, face down. Place your hands underneath your shoulders, curl your toes so that they’re pressing into the floor, and push up. Your arms should be straight, but not locked, and your body should form a straight line from your head to your toes.
  2. Lift your right foot off of the ground and pull your right knee toward your left elbow. Keep your abs tight.
  3. Hold the move briefly, and then return your foot to its original position.
  4. Repeat on the other side.
  5. Continue this move for 30 seconds to a minute.

You can increase your speed and extend the time as you develop more strength.


This exercise not only targets the lower back, it’s also great for your glutes:

  1. Start by lying on your back with your knees bent, your arms at your sides, and your palms flat against the floor.
  2. Slowly lift your butt and lower back off the floor to create a straight line from your knees to your shoulders.
  3. Squeeze your glutes together and hold for up to 30 seconds, or until you feel your abs and glutes sagging, whichever happens first.
  4. Slowly release your muscles and lower yourself back down to the ground.
  5. Repeat 10 times.

To make the move more challenging, you can try lifting one foot off of the floor as you lift your hips. Switch which leg you lift with each repetition.

Adopting healthy habits can help you to get rid of love handles and also prevent them from coming back.

If you need to lose weight, the Office on Women’s Health recommends losing one to two pounds a week to ensure gradual, but steady losses.

Dietary changes and portion control can complement increased exercise and fat-burning activities.

  • Plant-based foods, such as berries, dark leafy greens, and whole grains offer vital nutrients without the extra calories and fat.
  • Stick with lean protein sources, such as eggs, fish, and white-meat poultry over red meats.
  • Beans and legumes can keep you full so that you can reduce your daily calorie intake.
  • Keep your sodium intake to under 2,300 milligrams per day. Not only does this reduce your risk for hypertension, but it can also help prevent fluid retention that can make love handles worse.

Aside from changing your body from the inside, you can also help camouflage the appearance of love handles from the outside.

Select pants that fit at the waist, rather than at your hips. This can help reduce the constriction around the hips that emphasizes love handles in the first place. Also, make sure your pants and underwear aren’t too tight.

Certain forms of plastic surgery are sometimes used to reduce fat retention in specific areas of the body. One of these procedures is called liposuction.

During liposuction, a surgeon injects a solution into the targeted region, such as your hips, to liquefy fat cells. Then they remove the fat cells using a vacuum-like aspirator. Results may be seen within a few days of treatment.

Liposuction isn’t a whole-body solution. It only treats specific, targeted areas. Plus, without lifestyle changes, the fat cells are likely to return. Liposuction is recommended only for people who are slight to moderately overweight.

Other procedures may be used to support weight loss in adults who are obese. These include gastric bands or gastric bypass surgery. If you’re obese and have love handles, such procedures may be more effective than liposuction. Only consider these procedures if you have a BMI over 40 or a BMI over 35 combined with other related health issues.

Love handles can be a side effect of excess body fat, especially fat in the area of your hips and lower abdomen. Increased activity and healthier eating can contribute to shrinking love handles as part of overall fat loss, but it’s important to remember that this can also take some time.

Stick with your plan for a healthier lifestyle, and you’ll eventually reap both the aesthetic and underlying health benefits.

If you’re unable to lose weight despite diet and exercise, see your doctor for advice. They may order blood tests to check for possible underlying issues, such as hypothyroidism, or have recommendations for surgical procedures.

What Causes Love Handles and How to Get Rid of Them (2024)


What is the main cause of love handles? ›

The underlying cause of love handles is fat retention. Generally speaking, fat cells accumulate when your body takes in too many calories or you don't burn as many calories as you're consuming. Over time, these fat cells can become noticeable as they accumulate in certain areas, such as around your waist and hips.

How do I get rid of my love handles completely? ›

Position with your right elbow. Moving towards your left knee as you twist the body extend your

Can love handles ever go away? ›

Make fitness your lifestyle. Once you've established a new pattern of eating and training while minimizing alcohol, the love handles will disappear and it will be easier to keep them off. Try it for 30 days but don't look at it as a temporary fix. Instead, see it as a lifestyle overhaul.

Why are my love handles so hard to lose? ›

"For men, love handles are hard to lose because most of their fat cells are located in this area," explains personal trainer and nutritionist, Jim White, RD. Women's bodies like to deposit fat into the hip and thigh area, too, which creates the illusion of love handles, says Leah Kaufman, MS, RD, CDN.

What foods give you love handles? ›

Many studies have shown that fructose, especially from sweetened beverages, causes an increase in belly fat ( 6 , 7 , 8 ). Plus, most sugary foods are loaded with calories yet contain few nutrients. Cutting back on the amount of added sugar in your diet can help reduce body fat, including love handles.

How do you get rid of love handles in 2 weeks? ›

A healthy, calorie-controlled diet and a regular regimen of cardio and strength-training exercise will whittle away lower back fat and love handles, and in two weeks' time, you may start to see a difference.

Can I lose love handles by walking? ›

Like fat anywhere on your body, the extra jiggle at your midsection can only be lost through proper diet and exercise. Although walking provides an excellent, low-impact form of activity, you'll need to rack up the minutes and boost your intensity to whittle away those love handles.

What exercise burns the most belly fat and love handles? ›

The best way to burn body fat is through cardio exercises such as running, walking, elliptical training, and bicycling. With these exercises, burning stomach fat, shedding love handles, and building a six pack is completely do-able.

How long does it take to lose love handles? ›

The length of time to get rid of your love handles will depend on how much fat you have to lose, what lifestyle changes you make, and how well you commit to them. It can take about four weeks of consistency to form new, healthy habits, and up to 10 weeks before they become automatic.

What should I stop eating to lose belly fat? ›

Foods To Avoid
  1. Sugar. Refined sugar helps to raise the insulin level in the body which promotes the storage of fat. ...
  2. Aerated drinks. Aerated drinks contain empty calories that add excess weight, not to mention a large number of sugars. ...
  3. Dairy products. ...
  4. Meat. ...
  5. Alcohol. ...
  6. Carbohydrates. ...
  7. Fried foods. ...
  8. Excess salt.
9 Oct 2017

At what body fat do love handles disappear? ›


At this range, depending on the guy you may start to see some love handles. There is some muscle definition in some areas, but it's far less present than in the lower ranges. No vascularity will be noticeable.

Why do I store fat in love handles? ›

Reasons for Love Handles

The main reason for fat accumulation is consuming excess calories and lack of exercise. This may either be due to higher intake and/or insufficient calorie burn through physical activities. The body stores energy that it cannot burn in the form of fat.

What exercises burn side belly fat? ›

Here are the 6 exercises included in this abs workout:
  • Kneeling Ab Wheel - 10 eps.
  • Side Plank Hip Lifts - 20 reps (10 per side)
  • Leg Raises - 10 reps.
  • Russian Twists - 20 reps (10 per side)
  • McGill Sit-Up - 20 reps (10 per side)
  • Plank - Hold for as long as possible.
5 Oct 2020

Why do love handles go last? ›

Once love handles appear, biology makes them tough to ditch. “You lose fat in the reverse order that you deposit it,” says Westcott. “And typically for men, the last place they lose fat would be that midsection area—the first place they put it on.”

What is the difference between love handles and muffin top? ›

The term love handles appeared in the 1960s; it refers to any pockets of fat that cause flab at your waist. Love handles are also known as "muffin tops," which describe the shape of a muffin that's formed above the waistline.

Does ice cream give love handles? ›

Ice cream contains quite a large amount of sugar and saturated fats. If you consume too much of it, it can cause weight gain, visceral fat, fat around the waist circumference (aka love handles!).

How can I slim my waist? ›

The One Simple Exercise That Can Get You A Slimmer Waistline | Better

Can you lose love handles in a month? ›

While you can't spot-reduce, you can reduce your overall percentage of body fat while toning all your major muscle groups including your core, to get a fitter, tighter appearance. Consistency is key to reducing your love handles in as a little as one month. Cut down on your refined carbohydrates to lose more body fat.

How do I lose the tire around my waist? ›

Just a 30 minute cardio every other day or even six days a week is an effective way to get rid of that extra fat around your belly. It doesn't matter how intense the workout is. Even walking for 30 minutes, 6 days a week makes a big difference. Stand with your feet apart and rest your weight on your left leg.

What causes hip fat? ›

When you eat a diet filled with processed foods, refined carbohydrates, and sugary drinks, it results in stubborn fat on your abdomen, hips, and buttocks. These types of foods lead to insulin resistance, which leads to increased fat storage, ending in fat that's hard to lose.

How do you lose back fat in a week? ›


What are the 5 foods that burn belly fat? ›

7 Foods that Burn Belly Fat
  • Beans. “Becoming a bean lover can help you lose weight and whittle your middle,” registered dietitian Cynthia Sass told Today. ...
  • Swap your beef for salmon. ...
  • Yogurt. ...
  • Red bell peppers. ...
  • Broccoli. ...
  • Edamame. ...
  • Diluted vinegar.

What burns belly fat the fastest? ›

Aerobic exercise (cardio) is an effective way to improve your health and burn calories. Studies also show that it's one of the most effective forms of exercise for reducing belly fat.

How do you get rid of love handles in a week? ›

How To Get Rid of Love Handles In 2 Week - 100% Works - YouTube

Does walking reduce belly fat? ›

One of the most effective ways to reduce belly fat is to regularly take part in aerobic exercise, such as walking ( 19 , 20 ). In one small study, women with obesity who walked for 50–70 minutes three times per week for 12 weeks, on average, reduced their waist circumference and their body fat.

Does alcohol cause love handles? ›

The answer to 'what is the cause of love handles' is quite varied. Although genetics, age, alcohol intake, and lack of sleep can possibly cause the problem of excess fat near your hips and waistline, however, weight gain and extra fat are at the top among the causes of love handles.

Which fruits should be avoided for weight loss? ›

Worst Fruit for Weight Loss
  • Bananas. Bananas are a great replacement for a pre-workout energy bar which is why you often see professional tennis players snacking on them in between games. ...
  • Mango. Mangos are one of the most commonly consumed fruits in the world. ...
  • Grapes. ...
  • Pomegranate. ...
  • Apples. ...
  • Blueberries. ...
  • Watermelon. ...
  • Lemon.
26 Mar 2019

What are love handles called? ›

"Love handles"( Quarkies ) is an informal term for the sides of deposits of excess fat at the side of one's waistline, and may refer to: Love Handles (game show), a Canadian television game show.

What causes back fat? ›

What causes back fat? A lack of cardio exercise or a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to back fat. A diet that's high in sodium or sugar can also contribute to inflammation in your body, making back fat and “bloat” appear to be more significant.

How do I stop my body from storing fat? ›

6 tips for healthy fat distribution
  1. Choose complex carbs and protein.
  2. Eat healthy fats.
  3. Exercise 30 minutes a day and increase the intensity.
  4. Keep your stress in check.
  5. Get six to seven hours of sleep every night.
  6. Limit alcohol intake.
10 Jul 2018

How can I boost up my metabolism? ›

Alrutz shares these five tips to boost your metabolism:
  1. Exercise more. Add interval training to your cardio routine and burn more calories in less time. ...
  2. Weight train. ...
  3. Don't skip meals, especially breakfast. ...
  4. Eat fat-burning foods. ...
  5. Get a good night's sleep every night.

Why am I losing fat everywhere but my stomach? ›

Another reason responsible for a stubborn belly fat is genetics. It has been noticed that if your parents have belly fat, you might also have the same body type. The kind of weight loss plan you have opted for may also play a major role in the losing of belly fat.

What 3 exercises burn the most fat? ›

  • 1 - DECLINE PRESS UP JACKS. These are great for working your arms as well as getting your heart rate up. ...
  • 2 - BURPEES. ...
  • 3 - FROG JUMPS. ...
  • 4 - SIDE BOX JUMPS. ...
  • 5 - HIGH KNEES. ...
14 Jan 2019

What causes big belly in woman? ›

If you eat too much and exercise too little, you're likely to carry excess weight — including belly fat. Also, your muscle mass might diminish slightly with age, while fat increases.

Which exercise burns the most fat? ›

The bottom line. Running is the winner for most calories burned per hour. Stationary bicycling, jogging, and swimming are excellent options as well. HIIT exercises are also great for burning calories.

Do love handles go away with weight loss? ›

“Love handles” are excess fatty areas that sit on either side of the waist above the hips. While body fat spot reduction is not possible, people wanting to minimize the appearance of love handles may consider trying a few exercises to help tone their abs and hips.

Why do I store fat in love handles? ›

Reasons for Love Handles

The main reason for fat accumulation is consuming excess calories and lack of exercise. This may either be due to higher intake and/or insufficient calorie burn through physical activities. The body stores energy that it cannot burn in the form of fat.

Why do love handles go last? ›

Once love handles appear, biology makes them tough to ditch. “You lose fat in the reverse order that you deposit it,” says Westcott. “And typically for men, the last place they lose fat would be that midsection area—the first place they put it on.”

What foods to avoid when trying to lose love handles? ›

Eat five servings of vegetables and fruits per day. Limit fried foods and cheese. Limit processed sugar (for example: sodas, cookies, candy) Eliminate fatty red meat; only lean red meats (1-2 times weekly)

What exercise burns the most belly fat and love handles? ›

The best way to burn body fat is through cardio exercises such as running, walking, elliptical training, and bicycling. With these exercises, burning stomach fat, shedding love handles, and building a six pack is completely do-able.

What should I stop eating to lose belly fat? ›

Foods To Avoid
  1. Sugar. Refined sugar helps to raise the insulin level in the body which promotes the storage of fat. ...
  2. Aerated drinks. Aerated drinks contain empty calories that add excess weight, not to mention a large number of sugars. ...
  3. Dairy products. ...
  4. Meat. ...
  5. Alcohol. ...
  6. Carbohydrates. ...
  7. Fried foods. ...
  8. Excess salt.
9 Oct 2017

Can I lose love handles by walking? ›

Like fat anywhere on your body, the extra jiggle at your midsection can only be lost through proper diet and exercise. Although walking provides an excellent, low-impact form of activity, you'll need to rack up the minutes and boost your intensity to whittle away those love handles.

How can I reduce my side belly? ›

8 Simple Exercise to Lose Love Handles Without Gym - YouTube

How do I stop my body from storing fat? ›

6 tips for healthy fat distribution
  1. Choose complex carbs and protein.
  2. Eat healthy fats.
  3. Exercise 30 minutes a day and increase the intensity.
  4. Keep your stress in check.
  5. Get six to seven hours of sleep every night.
  6. Limit alcohol intake.
10 Jul 2018

What kind of fat are love handles? ›

Love handles are composed of subcutaneous fat, which sits just beneath the skin. In one sense, that's good news.

How do I get rid of the fat around my waist? ›

Trimming the fat
  1. Eat a healthy diet. Focus on plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and choose lean sources of protein and low-fat dairy products. ...
  2. Replace sugary beverages. ...
  3. Keep portion sizes in check. ...
  4. Include physical activity in your daily routine.

Where is the last place you lose fat? ›

Generally the last area they lose weight is from their lower body (hips and thighs). Depending on body shape, men generally tend to lose fat first from their trunk, followed by their arms and then their legs. This means that although men tend to store abdominal fat, it is also one of the first place they lose it.

Why am I losing fat everywhere but my stomach? ›

Another reason responsible for a stubborn belly fat is genetics. It has been noticed that if your parents have belly fat, you might also have the same body type. The kind of weight loss plan you have opted for may also play a major role in the losing of belly fat.

What causes hip fat? ›

When you eat a diet filled with processed foods, refined carbohydrates, and sugary drinks, it results in stubborn fat on your abdomen, hips, and buttocks. These types of foods lead to insulin resistance, which leads to increased fat storage, ending in fat that's hard to lose.

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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.