Cervical Plexus Block - Landmarks and Nerve Stimulator Technique - NYSORA (2024)

Jerry D. Vloka, Ann-Sofie Smeets, Tony Tsai, and Cedric Bouts


Cervical plexus anesthesia was developed early in the 20th century with two main approaches being used. In 1912, Kappis described a posterior approach to the cervical and brachial plexus, which attempted to block the nerves at their point of emergence from the vertebral column. The posterior approach was advocated because the vertebral artery and vein lie anterior to the plexus. However, the needle must pass through the extensor muscles of the neck which causes considerable discomfort, and the long path of the needle is more hazardous. Consequently, this technique is not recommended as a routine for cervical or brachial plexus block.

In 1914, Heidenhein described the lateral approach, which has formed the basis for subsequent techniques of anesthetizing the cervical plexus. Victor Pauchet also described a lateral approach to blocking the cervical plexus in 1920 and recommended it over the posterior approach. Winnie revisited the lateral approach to the cervical plexus block in 1975, and described a simplified, single-injection technique. The lateral approach is currently the more commonly used approach and will be described in this chapter.


Deep and superficial cervical plexus blocks can be used in a variety of surgical procedures, including superficial surgery on the neck and shoulders and thyroid surgery. Its use is most common in carotid endarterectomy, in which an awake patient self-monitors to ensure adequate cerebral blood flow during cross-clamping of the carotid artery (Figure 1).Since the description of the first carotid endarterectomy in 1954 by Eastcott, the number of these operations has been growing annually. Regional anesthesia is a viable anesthetic choice for carotid surgery, although debate continues whether it improves patient outcomes.The largest randomized trial to date on this topic (GALA trial) showed no difference in 30-day stroke or mortality rates, a conclusion that has been supported by a recent meta-analysis.

Cervical Plexus Block - Landmarks and Nerve Stimulator Technique - NYSORA (1)

Figure 1. Carotid endarterectomy. The image shows open,cross-clamped carotid artery and a plaque inside its wall.

The superficial cervical plexus block can be used for many superficial surgeries in the neck area, including lymph node dissection, excision of thyroglossal or branchial cleft cysts, carotid endarterectomy, and vascular access surgery.

Comparisons of superficial vs deep cervical plexus blocks for carotid endarterectomy have either shown equivalence or favored the superficial block due to the lower risk of complications.

Although both the deep and superficial cervical plexus blocks can be performed separately, they have been used by some also in combination for anesthesia and postoperative analgesia for head and neck surgery.

Contraindications to performing a cervical plexus block include patient refusal, local infection, and previous surgery or radiation therapy to the neck. Likewise, due to the risk ofphrenic nerve paresis, the deep cervical plexus block is relatively contraindicated in patients with contralateral phrenic nerve palsy and significant pulmonary compromise.


The cervical plexus is formed by the anterior divisions of the four upper cervical nerves (Figure 2). The plexus is situated on the anterior surface of the four upper cervical vertebrae, resting on the levator anguli scapulae and scalenus medius muscles, and is covered by the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

Cervical Plexus Block - Landmarks and Nerve Stimulator Technique - NYSORA (2)

Figure 2. Anatomy of the cervical plexus.

The dorsal and ventral roots combine to form spinal nerves as they exit through the intervertebral foramen. The first cervical root is primarily a motor nerve and is of little interest for locoregional anesthesia. The anterior rami of the second through fourth cervical nerves form the cervical plexus. The branches of the superficial cervical plexus innervate the skin and superficial structures of the head, neck, and shoulder (Figure 3). The branches of the deep cervical plexus innervate the deeper structures of the neck, including the muscles of the anterior neck and the diaphragm, which is innervated by the phrenic nerve. The third and fourth cervical nerves send a branch to the spinal accessory nerve, or directly into the deep surface of the trapezius to supply sensory fibers to this muscle. The fourth cervical nerve may send a branch downward to join the fifth cervical nerve and participate in the formation of the brachial plexus.

The cutaneous innervation of both the deep and superficial cervical plexus blocks includes the skin of the anterolateral neck and the anteauricular and retroauricular areas (Figure 3). To read more about the cervical plexus distribution, see Functional Regional Anesthesia Anatomy.

Anatomic Landmarks

The following three landmarks for a deep cervical plexus block are identified and marked (Figure 4):

  1. Mastoid process
  2. Chassaignac tubercle (the transverse process of the sixth cervical vertebra)
  3. The posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle

Cervical Plexus Block - Landmarks and Nerve Stimulator Technique - NYSORA (4)

Figure 4. Anatomic landmarks for the cervical plexus. Shown are estimates of the transverse processes C2-C3-C4-C5-C6.

To estimate the line of needle insertion that overlies the transverse processes, the mastoid process (MP) and the Chassaignac tubercle, which is the transverse process of the sixth cervical vertebra (C6), are identified and marked (Figure 5).

Cervical Plexus Block - Landmarks and Nerve Stimulator Technique - NYSORA (5)

Figure 5. Palpation of the transverse process of C6.

The transverse process of C6 is usually easily palpated behind the clavicular head of the sternocleidomastoid muscle at the level just below the cricoid cartilage (Figure 6). Next, a line is drawn connecting the MP to the Chassaignac tubercle. Position thepalpating hand just behind the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Once this line is drawn, label the insertion sites over the C2, C3, and C4, which are respectively located on the MP–C6 line 2 cm, 4 cm, and 6 cm, respectively, caudal to the mastoid process.

Cervical Plexus Block - Landmarks and Nerve Stimulator Technique - NYSORA (6)

Figure 6. Palpation of the mastoid process.

It is also possible to perform a single injection at the C3 level, which is considered safe and effective.

  • The distances specified for spacing along the transverse processes at various levels are estimates at best.
  • Once two neighboring transverse processes are identified, the spacing between the other transverse processes follows a similar pattern.


Choice of Local Anesthetic

A deep cervical plexus block requires 3–5 mL of local anesthetic per level to ensure a reliable block. Except perhaps with patients with significant respiratory disease who rely on their phrenic nerve to adequately ventilate, most patients benefit from the use of a long-acting local anesthetic. Table 1 shows commonly used local anesthetics with onset and duration of anesthesia and analgesia for deep cervical plexus blocks. Ropivacaine 0.5% provides a good quality block of longer duration, and it is one of most common choices for carotid endarterectomy surgery.

TABLE 1. Commonly used local anesthetics for deep cervical plexus blocks.

Onset (min)Anesthesia (h)Analgesia (h)
(+ HCO3
– + epinephrine)
10–15 2.0–2.5 3–6
2% Lidocaine
(+ HCO3
– + epinephrine)
10–15 2–3 3–6
10–20 3–4 4–10
(+ epinephrine)
10–20 3–4 4–10


A standard regional anesthesia tray is prepared with the following equipment:

  • Sterile towels and 4-in. × 4-in. gauze pads
  • 20-mL syringe(s) with local anesthetic
  • Sterile gloves and marking pen
  • One 1.5 -in., 25-gauge needle for skin infiltration
  • A 1.5 -in.-long, 22-gauge, short-beveled needle

Learn more aboutEquipment for Regional Anesthesia.


After cleaning the skin with an antiseptic solution, local anesthetic is infiltrated subcutaneously along the line estimating the position of the transverse processes. The needle should contact the posterior tubercle of the transverse process where the spinal nerves at the individual levels are located just in front of the transverse process.

The block needle is connected to a syringe with local anesthetic via flexible tubing. The block needle is inserted between the palpating fingers and advanced at an angle perpendicular to the skin. A slight caudal orientation of the needle prevents the inadvertent insertion of the needle toward the cervical spinal cord. The needle should never be oriented cephalad. The needle is advanced slowly until the transverse process is contacted (Figure 7). At this point, the needle is withdrawn 1–2 mm and stabilized for injection of 4 mL of local anesthetic per level after negative aspiration for blood. The block needle is then removed, and the procedure is repeated at consecutive levels.

Cervical Plexus Block - Landmarks and Nerve Stimulator Technique - NYSORA (7)

Figure 7. Needle insertion to block a single cervical level during deep cervical block.


  • The transverse process is typically contacted at a depth of 1–2 cm in most patients.
  • Never advance the needle beyond 2.5 cm due to the risk of spinal cord injury.
  • Paresthesia is often elicited in proximity to the transverse process but should not be relied on as the successful needle placement because of its nonspecific radiating pattern

Block Dynamics and Perioperative Management

Although the placement of deep cervical block may be uncomfortable for the patient, excessive sedation should be avoided. During surgery, airway management may be difficult due to the close proximity of the surgical field. Surgeries like carotid endarterectomy require that the patient be cooperative for intraoperative neurologic assessment.Excessive sedation and the consequent lack of patient cooperation can lead to restlessness and patient movement intraoperatively.

The onset time for this block is 10–15 min. The first sign of onset is decreased sensation in the distribution of the respective components of the cervical plexus. It should be noted that due to the complex arrangement of the neuronal coverage of the various layers in the neck area as well as cross coverage from the contralateral side, the anesthesia achieved with cervical plexus block is often incomplete, and its use often requires a knowledgeable surgeon who is skilled in supplementing the block with local anesthetic as necessary.


  • Carotid surgery also requires block of the glossopharyngeal nerve branches, which is easily accomplished intraoperatively by injecting the local anesthetic inside the carotid artery sheath.


The superficial cervical plexus innervates the skin of the anterolateral neck (see Figure 3). The terminal branches emerge as four distinct nerves from the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. The lesser occipital nerve is usually a direct branch from the main stem of the second cervical nerve. The larger remaining part of this stem then unites with a part of the third cervical nerve to form a trunk that gives rise to the greater auricular and transverse cervical nerves. Another part of the third cervical nerve runs downward to unite with a major part of the fourth cervical nerve to form a supraclavicular trunk, which then divides into the three groups of supraclavicular nerves.

Anatomic Landmarks

A line extending from the mastoid process to C6 is drawn as described above (Figure 8). The site of needle insertion is marked at the midpoint of this line. This is where the branches of the superficial cervical plexus emerge from behind the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

Cervical Plexus Block - Landmarks and Nerve Stimulator Technique - NYSORA (8)

Figure 8. Supraclavicular nerve block. An initial injection of 3 mL local anesthetic is deposited at the midpoint of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, followed by 7 mL injected subcutaneously in a caudad and cephalad direction along the posterior border of the muscle.

Choice of Local Anesthetic

Superficial cervical plexus block requires 10–15 mL of local anesthetic (3–5 mL per each redirection/injection). Since a motor block is not sought with this technique a lower concentration of long-acting local anesthetic is most often used (e.g, 0.2–0.5% ropivacaine or 0.25% bupivacaine). Higher concentration, however, may result in both a greater success rate and a longer duration of block. Table 1 shows the choices of local anesthesia, with onset time and duration of anesthesia and analgesia.


A standard regional anesthesia tray is prepared with the following equipment:

  • Sterile towels and 4-in. × 4-in. gauze pads
  • 20-mL syringe with local anesthetic
  • Sterile gloves, marking pen
  • A 1.5-in., 25-gauge needle for block infiltration

Learn more about Equipment for Regional Anesthesia.


Anatomic landmarks and the needle insertion point are marked as described above. After cleansing the skin with an antiseptic solution, a skin wheal is raised at the site of needle insertion using a 25-gauge needle. Using a “fan” technique with superior-inferior needle redirections, the local anesthetic is injected alongside the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle 2–3 cm below and then above the needle insertion site. The goal is to achieve block of all four major branches of the superficial cervical plexus.

The goal of the injection is to infiltrate the local anesthetic subcutaneously and behind the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Deep needle insertion should be avoided (e.g., >1–2 cm).

Block Dynamics and Perioperative Management

The superficial cervical plexus block is associated with minor patient discomfort, so little or no sedation should be required.

Similar to deep cervical plexus block, the sensory coverage of the neck is complex and a degree of cross-coverage from the cervical plexus branches from the opposite side of the neck should be expected. The onset time for this block is 10–15 minutes; the first sign of the block is decreased sensation in the distribution of the superficial cervical plexus.

Ultrasound guidance can also be used when performing the superficial cervical plexus block, although studies to date have not demonstrated an advantage over a landmark-based technique.


  • A subcutaneous midline injection of the local anesthetic extending from the thyroid cartilage distally to the suprasternal notch will also block the branches crossing from the opposite side.
  • Superficial cervical plexus can be considered as a “field” block and is very useful for preventing pain from surgical skin retractors on the medial aspect of the neck.


Complications can occur with both deep and superficial cervical plexus blocks (Table 2). Infection, hematoma formation, phrenic nerve block, local anesthetic toxicity, nerve injury, and inadvertent subarachnoid or epidural anesthesia can all occur when performing these blocks.In a large prospective study of 1000 blocks for carotid artery surgery, Davies and colleagues reported only 6 blocks (0.6%) showing evidence of intravascular injection.Other possible complications include transientischemic attacks either during surgery or in the postoperative period and recurrent laryngeal nerve block.As with other nerve blocks, the risk of complications can be decreased by meticulous technique and attention to detail.

TABLE 2. Complications of cervical plexus block and means to avoid them.

Infection• Low risk
• A strict aseptic technique is used
Hematoma• Avoid multiple needle insertions, particularly in anticoagulated patients
• Keep 5 minutes of steady pressure on the site if the carotid artery is inadvertently punctured
Phrenic nerve block• Phrenic nerve block (diaphragmatic paresis) invariably occurs with a deep cervical plexus block
• A deep cervical block should be carefully considered in patients with significant respiratory disease
• Bilateral deep cervical block in such patients may be contraindicated
• block of the phrenic nerve does not occur after superficial cervical plexus block
Local anesthetic toxicity
• Central nervous system toxicity is the most serious consequence of the cervical plexus block
• This complication occurs because of the rich vascularity of the neck, including vertebral and carotid artery vessels and is usually caused by an inadvertent intravascular injection of local anesthetic rather than absorption
• Careful and frequent aspiration should be performed during the injection
Nerve injury• Local anesthetic should never be injected against resistance or when the patient complains of severe pain on injection
Spinal anesthesia• This complication may occur with injection of a larger volume of local anesthetic inside the dural sleeve that accompanies the nerves of the cervical plexus
• It should be noted that a negative aspiration test for CSF does not rule out the possibility of intrathecal spread of local anesthetic
• Avoidance of high volume and excessive pressure during injection are the best measures to avoid this complication


In summary, cervical plexus blocks have been in clinical use for nearly a century. Although modifications have been made to the approaches first described, the most common approach remains the lateral approach to deep cervical plexus block.


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Cervical Plexus Block - Landmarks and Nerve Stimulator Technique - NYSORA (2024)


What is a cervical plexus nerve block? ›

Cervical plexus blocks (CPBs) have been used in various head and neck surgeries to provide adequate anesthesia and/or analgesia; however, the block is performed in a narrow space in the region of the neck that contains many sensitive structures, multiple fascial layers, and complicated innervation.

How do you block cervical plexus? ›

Here's one of the branches. Here. We also see some superficial veins. So be careful not to hit the

For what procedure can cervical plexus blocks provide adequate anesthesia? ›

A cervical plexus block is used most often to provide anesthesia in conscious patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy (seeChapter 25).

What is the CPT code for cervical plexus block? ›

Effective 01/01/2020, 64999 is to be used to report injections of anesthetic and/or steroids for the facial and phrenic nerves and cervical plexus.
Group 1.
29 more rows

How long does a cervical nerve block last? ›

After we inject your nerve block, you rest for 15-30 minutes while the medication takes effect, but you can expect to start noticing pain relief immediately. These results are only temporary, however, and typically last for 1-2 weeks.

Which muscles would a deep cervical plexus block affect? ›

The deep cervical plexus innervates the prevertebral muscles and the strap muscles of the neck. A deep cervical plexus block involves three separate paravertebral injections at the C2, C3, and C4 levels.

Where is cervical plexus located? ›

The cervical plexus is a complex neurologic structure located within the head and neck. The large portion of the cervical plexus is the communication between the anterior divisions of C1 through C4 nerves.

What are the branches of cervical plexus? ›

Its branches consist of a superficial and deep set. The superficial branches are the great auricular nerve, lesser occipital nerve, transverse cervical, suprasternal, and supraclavicular nerves. The deep branches are the phrenic, communicantes cervicales, communicating, and muscular.

What is deep plexus block? ›

Both US-guided superficial and deep cervical plexus nerve blocks have been well described. The deep cervical plexus nerve block is an advanced nerve block with a risk of potentially serious complications, such as intrathecal injection or injection into the vertebral artery.

What negative affect would a bilateral deep cervical plexus block have on a patient? ›

Complications can occur with both deep and superficial cervical plexus blocks (Table 2). Infection, hematoma formation, phrenic nerve block, local anesthetic toxicity, nerve injury, and inadvertent subarachnoid or epidural anesthesia can all occur when performing these blocks.

Can you tear a nerve in your neck? ›

Neck injuries are a particular concern in contact sports such as football, and they require special attention because of the devastating consequences if they are severe. Cervical nerve root and spinal cord injuries are among the most common cervical spine neurologic (nerve) injuries.

What is a Paracervical block used for? ›

Pudendal and paracervical blocks are nerve blocks that involve a one-time injection of local anesthetic adjacent to the nerve or plexus for pain relief.

Does Medicare pay for nerve block? ›

The use of peripheral nerve blocks for treating diabetic neuropathy is not considered reasonable and/or necessary and is not covered by Medicare Part A or B.

When can you bill a nerve block? ›

The nerve block is included (bundled) in the procedure code. However, if you are performing the nerve block without a surgical procedure, you can bill for it. A real-life example is if you perform a digital block to repair a laceration, then the digital block cannot be billed separately.

What is a peripheral nerve block and when is it used? ›

Peripheral nerve blocks are a type of regional anesthesia. The anesthetic is injected near a specific nerve or bundle of nerves to block sensations of pain from a specific area of the body. Nerve blocks usually last longer than local anesthesia.

What are the side effects of a nerve block in the neck? ›

If the nerve block was in your neck, the numbing medicine might affect your face for a few hours. You may have a droopy eyelid, a stuffy nose, a red eye, or redness in the face. You may also have some trouble swallowing. Follow your doctor's instructions about eating and drinking for the next few hours.

How long should you rest after a nerve block? ›

When finished, you will be allowed to rest for 15 to 30 minutes to let the medication take effect. The nurse will also make sure you don't have any unexpected side effects before you leave the doctor's office.

How often can you get a nerve block in the neck? ›

This pain relief can last for weeks or months, but the patient may require additional injections if the pain fails to subside during this period. Doctors normally limit the number of injections to three during a 12-month period.

What is the most important nerve of the cervical plexus? ›

The most important motor branch of the cervical plexus is the phrenic nerve. The plexus also provides motor fibers to the spinal accessory nerve and to the paravertebral and deep muscles of the neck. Each nerve, with the exception of the first cervical nerve, provides significant cutaneous sensory innervation.

What spinal levels make up the cervical plexus? ›

The cervical plexus is a conglomeration of cervical nerves formed by the anterior (ventral) rami of spinal nerves C1-C4 (a.k.a. 1st-4th cervical nerves).

What nerves are affected by C3 C4 C5? ›

Branches of the C3, C4, and C5 spinal nerves form the phrenic nerve that innervates the diaphragm, enabling breathing. Within the spinal canal of each of these motion segments, the spinal cord is protected by the vertebral bodies in front and vertebral arches at the back.

What happens if the cervical plexus is damaged? ›

Damage to the cervical plexus can cause sensory disturbances to the posterior head, neck, submandibular region, and the superior back, in a cape-like distribution.

What plexus is most prone for injury in the neck? ›

What You Need to Know. The brachial plexus is a network of nerves in the shoulder that carries movement and sensory signals from the spinal cord to the arms and hands. Brachial plexus injuries typically stem from trauma to the neck, and can cause pain, weakness and numbness in the arm and hand.

How many cervical nerves are there? ›

Ligaments attached to the vertebrae also serve as supportive structures. There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves and roots. Eight pairs of cervical nerves exit the cervical cord at each vertebral level.

What is the largest nerve in the body? ›

Sciatic Nerve and Sciatica. The sciatic nerve is the longest, largest nerve in your body. Your sciatic nerve roots start in your lower back and run down the back of each leg.

How many nerve plexus are in the body? ›

Nerve Junction Boxes: The Plexuses

Four nerve plexuses are located in the trunk of the body: The cervical plexus provides nerve connections to the head, neck, and shoulder. The brachial plexus provides connections to the chest, shoulders, upper arms, forearms, and hands.

How is plexus formed? ›

Nerve plexuses are composed of afferent and efferent fibers that arise from the merging of the anterior rami of spinal nerves and blood vessels. There are five spinal nerve plexuses—except in the thoracic region—as well as other forms of autonomic plexuses, many of which are a part of the enteric nervous system.

Which nerves in the cervical plexus serve the Infrahyoid muscle of the neck? ›

Ansa Cervicalis. The ansa cervicalis (or ansa hypoglossi) is the union of the C1, C2, and C3 nerves from the cervical plexus, which provides innervation to the infrahyoid muscles (Figure 31.2).

How do you block your scalp? ›

This nerve can be blocked by injecting approximately 3ml of LA 1 to 1.5 cm anterior to the ear at the level of the tragus above the level of the temporomandibular joint (Figure 5). The superficial temporal artery should be palpated to avoid intra-arterial injection. Negative aspiration is a must for this block.

What is celiac plexus block? ›

A celiac plexus block is a pain relief treatment delivered by injection. The treatment prevents celiac plexus nerves from sending pain messages to the brain. It's a type of nerve block. Healthcare providers use celiac plexus blocks to treat people who have pancreatic cancer or chronic pancreatitis.

What is a clavicle block? ›

The supraclavicular block is a regional anesthetic technique used as an alternative or adjunct to general anesthesia or used for postoperative pain control for upper extremity surgeries (mid-humerus through the hand).

How do you make a stellate ganglion block? ›

How is a stellate ganglion block done? First, you may be given an intravenous medication to relax you. Then, you'll lie on your back on an x-ray table and your neck will be cleansed. The doctor will insert a thin needle into your neck, near your voice box, and inject a local anesthetic.

Is heat or ice better for nerve pain? ›

Nerve Pain

Pain caused by conditions such as sciatica respond well to ice or cold treatments because that temperature tends to calm inflammation and numb any soreness in the tissue. It's best to use cold when the pain is still sharp and move on to heat once that sharpness has subsided.

What nerves are affected by C5 and C6? ›

From C5 and C6, the upper and lower subscapular nerves supply the upper and lower portions of the subscapularis. The lower subscapular nerve also innervates the teres major.

Can neck problems affect your brain? ›

Central nervous system nerve tension is typically from upper cervical instability and not only affects the cervical spinal cord but can involve the brainstem and brain. When the brainstem and/or brain nerve impulses are altered, the effects can be far-reaching and more dramatic.

How can I numb my cervix? ›

Paracervical block involves injection of local anaesthetic around the cervix to numb nearby nerves.

How much does a paracervical block cost? ›

Results: The base case analysis showed that the lowest cost per pain and cramping averted was for women who had a mucosal block before cryosurgery ($153.87), compared with women with a paracervical block ($183.24) and women with no block ($218.83).

Where do you inject Paracervical blocks? ›

The obstetrician performing a paracervical block should closely monitor the fetus, should inject just beneath the vagin*l mucosa after aspiration for blood in the needle is negative, and should allow a 5-minute interval between injections on the two sides.

Who can perform a nerve block? ›

Pain management doctors are specially trained to treat patients who have pain. They can perform nerve blocks and coordinate your care. Whichever doctor you choose for your nerve block, make sure he or she has the expertise to treat your pain.

How many cortisone shots will Medicare cover? ›

How Many Cortisone Shots will Medicare Cover? Beneficiaries needing cortisone shots may have coverage for three cortisone shots annually. Repetitive injections may cause damage to the body over time. Therefore, many orthopedic surgeons suggest such a low number for each patient per year.

How many epidurals does Medicare allow in a year? ›

No more than 6 epidural injection sessions (therapeutic ESIs and/or diagnostic transforaminal injections), inclusive of all regions and all levels (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, etc.), may be performed in a 12-month period of time.

What is the CPT code for cervical plexus block? ›

Effective 01/01/2020, 64999 is to be used to report injections of anesthetic and/or steroids for the facial and phrenic nerves and cervical plexus.
Group 1.
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How do you bill a nerve block? ›

The CPT code set for nerve blocks is 64400-64530 Peripheral nerve blocks-bolus injection or continuous infusion: 64400 Injection, anesthetic agent; trigeminal nerve, any division or branch. 64402 Injection, anesthetic agent; facial nerve. 64405 Injection, anesthetic agent; greater occipital nerve.

What does 64420 mean? ›

CPT® Code 64420 - Introduction/Injection of Anesthetic Agent (Nerve Block), Diagnostic or Therapeutic Procedures on the Somatic Nerves - Codify by AAPC.

What's the longest a nerve block can last? ›

How long will the nerve block last? This depends on the type of block performed and the type of numbing medication used. For example, nerve blocks for hand surgery usually last for 6-8 hours, but a nerve block for pain after total knee replacement can last for 12-24 hours.

What is the strongest drug for nerve pain? ›

Tramadol. Tramadol is a powerful painkiller related to morphine that can be used to treat neuropathic pain that does not respond to other treatments a GP can prescribe. Like all opioids, tramadol can be addictive if it's taken for a long time.

What are the risks of a nerve block? ›

Like all procedures, nerve blocks carry some risks. A nerve block can lead to bleeding and infection where the shot was given, the medicine may spill into other areas unexpectedly, and healthcare providers may hit the wrong nerve during surgery.

What is a Paracervical block used for? ›

Pudendal and paracervical blocks are nerve blocks that involve a one-time injection of local anesthetic adjacent to the nerve or plexus for pain relief.

What is deep plexus block? ›

Both US-guided superficial and deep cervical plexus nerve blocks have been well described. The deep cervical plexus nerve block is an advanced nerve block with a risk of potentially serious complications, such as intrathecal injection or injection into the vertebral artery.

What are the branches of cervical plexus? ›

Its branches consist of a superficial and deep set. The superficial branches are the great auricular nerve, lesser occipital nerve, transverse cervical, suprasternal, and supraclavicular nerves. The deep branches are the phrenic, communicantes cervicales, communicating, and muscular.

What is celiac plexus block? ›

A celiac plexus block is a pain relief treatment delivered by injection. The treatment prevents celiac plexus nerves from sending pain messages to the brain. It's a type of nerve block. Healthcare providers use celiac plexus blocks to treat people who have pancreatic cancer or chronic pancreatitis.

Does a cervical block hurt? ›

While paracervical block administration can be painful, perception of pain for overall IUD placement procedure is lower compared to no block.

How can I numb my cervix? ›

Paracervical block involves injection of local anaesthetic around the cervix to numb nearby nerves.

How much does a paracervical block cost? ›

Results: The base case analysis showed that the lowest cost per pain and cramping averted was for women who had a mucosal block before cryosurgery ($153.87), compared with women with a paracervical block ($183.24) and women with no block ($218.83).

Can you tear a nerve in your neck? ›

Neck injuries are a particular concern in contact sports such as football, and they require special attention because of the devastating consequences if they are severe. Cervical nerve root and spinal cord injuries are among the most common cervical spine neurologic (nerve) injuries.

What negative affect would a bilateral deep cervical plexus block have on a patient? ›

Complications can occur with both deep and superficial cervical plexus blocks (Table 2). Infection, hematoma formation, phrenic nerve block, local anesthetic toxicity, nerve injury, and inadvertent subarachnoid or epidural anesthesia can all occur when performing these blocks.

How is plexus formed? ›

Nerve plexuses are composed of afferent and efferent fibers that arise from the merging of the anterior rami of spinal nerves and blood vessels. There are five spinal nerve plexuses—except in the thoracic region—as well as other forms of autonomic plexuses, many of which are a part of the enteric nervous system.

What is the most important nerve of the cervical plexus? ›

The most important motor branch of the cervical plexus is the phrenic nerve. The plexus also provides motor fibers to the spinal accessory nerve and to the paravertebral and deep muscles of the neck. Each nerve, with the exception of the first cervical nerve, provides significant cutaneous sensory innervation.

What happens if the cervical plexus is damaged? ›

Damage to the cervical plexus can cause sensory disturbances to the posterior head, neck, submandibular region, and the superior back, in a cape-like distribution.

What plexus is most prone for injury in the neck? ›

What You Need to Know. The brachial plexus is a network of nerves in the shoulder that carries movement and sensory signals from the spinal cord to the arms and hands. Brachial plexus injuries typically stem from trauma to the neck, and can cause pain, weakness and numbness in the arm and hand.

Does plexus block cause diarrhea? ›

Abstract. Diarrhea is one of the commonest complication following coeliac plexus ablative procedures. It is believed to occur due to inadvertent chemical sympathectomy by the block. For the majority of patients, complications are temporary and self limited.

Where is celiac plexus pain felt? ›

The pain from the celiac plexus is a pain that is present in the upper abdomen, under the ribs. It often feels as if it passes straight through to the back.

What medications are used in a celiac plexus block? ›

What is actually injected? The injection consists of a local anesthetic. On occasion, epinephrine, clonidine or a steroid medication may be added to prolong the effects of the celiac plexus block.

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.