Kanji Search: All Kanji > Stroke Counts (2024)

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The selected kanji are listed below by their stroke count. Learn the stroke count of each kanji, and you can use a kanji dictionary more easily.

At first glance, kanji may look difficult to write, but, in fact, they are made up of the same pieces repeated over and over. If you learn the pieces, it is straightforward to put the pieces together into full kanji.

Click a kanji for details, including animated stroke order and JLPT vocabulary. If you really want to learn kanji fast, enroll today and learn Japanese online in private Japanese lessons from experienced teachers.

Sort these kanji by:

Kanken Levels JLPT Levels Grade Levels Radicals Usage in Names Frequency of Use

1 stroke

(5 kanji)


2 strokes

(29 kanji)

3 strokes

(58 kanji)


4 strokes

(110 kanji)


5 strokes

(145 kanji)

6 strokes

(197 kanji)


7 strokes

(318 kanji)

寿 尿 禿 辿

8 strokes

(434 kanji)

使 彿 忿 歿 沿

9 strokes

(468 kanji)

便 姿 穿 竿 退

10 strokes

(543 kanji)

11 strokes

(579 kanji)

宿 紿 鹿

12 strokes

(577 kanji)

婿 湿 貿

13 strokes

(529 kanji)

椿 殿 祿

14 strokes

(433 kanji)

榿 滿 綿 跿

15 strokes

(432 kanji)

槿 漿 稿 調

16 strokes

(373 kanji)

17 strokes

(298 kanji)

橿 窿 谿 輿 駿 鴿

18 strokes

(206 kanji)


19 strokes

(175 kanji)


20 strokes

(132 kanji)


21 strokes

(108 kanji)


22 strokes

(69 kanji)


23 strokes

(51 kanji)

24 strokes

(36 kanji)

25 strokes

(19 kanji)

26 strokes

(12 kanji)

27 strokes

(8 kanji)

28 strokes

(6 kanji)

29 strokes

(3 kanji)

30 strokes

(2 kanji)

Certain kanji information is fromKANJIDIC,which is the property of theElectronic Dictionary Research and Development Group,and is used in conformance with the Group'slicense.


JLPT Level:


Radical name:



ON 音
Kanji Search: All Kanji > Stroke Counts (2024)


How many strokes are there in kanji? ›

The kanji is 7 strokes.

What is the highest stroke count kanji? ›

The 常用 kanji with the most strokes is currently 鬱 (as noted by atlantiza), with 29 strokes.

What is the rarest kanji? ›

たいと(taito) is the most difficult Japanese Kanji on the record with a total of 84 strokes. It is formed by combining 3 雲 (くもkumo) with 3 龍 (りゅうRyuu). 雲means cloud and 龍 means dragon in English. たいと is said to be a type of Japanese surname.

What is the kanji for 10000? ›

Kanji: man 10,000.

What is the oldest kanji? ›

The oldest written kanji in Japan discovered so far were written in ink on wood as a wooden strip dated to the 7th century, a record of trading for cloth and salt. The Japanese language had no written form at the time Chinese characters were introduced, and texts were written and read only in Chinese.

What are the 100 most common kanji? ›

Top 100 Most Frequent Kanji Characters
1hi, -bi, -ka ひ, -び, -か
2hito(tsu) ひと(つ)
3kuni くに
4a(u) あ(う)
67 more rows

Which is the hardest stroke to master? ›


It's easily the hardest stroke to learn, and it requires some serious strength before you can start to match the speeds of the other strokes. It's also one of the best calorie-burners, with a rate of around 820 calories per hour. (That's about the same as rock climbing, or an average run.)

What is the hardest Japanese word? ›

  • ryōri. 料理 (n) cuisine.
  • chūshajō 駐車場 (n) parking lot.
  • ryokō 旅行 (n) traveling. chōkyori ryokō 長距離旅行 long-distance traveling. 1 More Example.
  • benri. 便利 (n) convenient.
  • shinryaku. 侵略 (n) invasion.
  • Tsuittā ツイッター (n) Twitter.
  • atatakaku nakatta. 暖かくなかった (p) was not warm.
  • tsutaerarenakatta. 伝えられなかった (p) could not tell.

How many kanji should I study daily? ›

1. How many kanji will I learn each day? Some simple math will show that you need to learn at least 23 kanji every day to complete your mission on schedule (2,042 kanji ÷ 90 days = 22.7).

Is there a kanji for 0? ›

For zero in Japanese, the kanji is 零 (rei). However, it is more common to use and say “zero” the same way we say it in English: ゼロ (zero).

Do Japanese ever forget kanji? ›

Yes and no. In terms of writing ability, you could argue that Japanese people have somewhat forgotten kanji. As most people don't write things by hand anymore it has gotten easier to forget. It's the same as how English speakers say they've forgotten how to spell sometimes.

What is lazy kanji? ›

Then Khatzumoto-sempai came up with something that sounded like just the thing for me, Lazy Kanji, which turns the process of memorizing kanji into something more like repeatedly dialing a telephone number until it's memorized.

What is the longest word in kanji? ›

A funny phrase in japanese is “toragahitowokamoutosurutokinounarinow” 虎が人を噛もうとするときのうなり声。 It is 37 letters long and is comprised of a 17 syllables. It is a very odd phrase, as it is defined as “the growl a tiger makes when it is about to about to bite someone”.

What is the kanji for million? ›

Part 3: How to count from 100,000 to 1 Million in Japanese
700,000nana juu man七十万
800,000hachi juu man八十万
900,000kyuu juu man九十万
1,000,000hyaku man百万
6 more rows
19 Feb 2018

How long does it take to learn 10 kanji? ›

If you were to learn 10 kanji a day, completing the Jouyou character list would take you around 214 days. So less than a year! If you were only learning 5 kanji a day it would take you 428 days.

What is the easiest kanji? ›

To get you started, here are our favorite 10 easy Kanji to remember:
  • 森 – the kanji for forest is three trees (木) put together.
  • 父 – imagine a man holding two sticks over his head.
  • 雨 – looks like rain hitting a window.
  • 川 – three lines show the flow of a river.
  • 東 – is made out of two kanji 日 (the sun) and 木 (trees).

Is kanji hardest to learn? ›

Kanji characters are based on Chinese characters and are often almost identical to their partner words in Chinese. This writing system is one of the most difficult parts of Japanese to learn, as there are over 2,000 different characters to learn and many kanji have several different readings.

Is kanji older than hiragana? ›

Kanji is the oldest and is a picture-based system from China made up of logograms, which are characters that represent whole words. Hiragana and katakana are native to Japan and represent syllable sounds; together these two alphabets are referred to as kana.

How many kanji characters does the average person know? ›

An educated Chinese person will know about 8,000 characters, but you will only need about 2-3,000 to be able to read a newspaper. In our interactive character game you can learn how to write 60 commonly used characters.

How many kanji words does the average person know? ›

A typical native Japanese knows the famous 2000 Kanji list and the words, as many as you can count. When in Japan, if you want to daily communicate with your friends or office colleagues or relatives, the number of words lies maximum around 1200–1500.

What is the slowest stroke? ›

Breaststroke. The breast stroke is the slowest stroke, but also the easiest. It is one of the first strokes taught to young swimmers. This is also because you don't have to put your head underwater.

What is the oldest stroke? ›

The breaststroke is believed to be the oldest of strokes and is much used in lifesaving and recreational swimming as well as in competitive swimming. The stroke is especially effective in rough water.

What is the most exhausting stroke? ›

The most difficult and exhausting stroke is the butterfly; second only to the crawl in speed, it is done in a prone position and employs the dolphin kick with a windmill-like movement of both arms in unison. It is mastered by only the best swimmers.

Why do Japanese have 2 7 words? ›

So why does Japanese have multiple words for the same number? It's partly to do with superstition - “shi” sounds like the Japanese word for death and “ku” can mean suffering; “shichi” can also mean “place of death”.

Can you learn kanji in a year? ›

You would have to know all the jouyou kanji, 10,000 words, and know hundreds of grammar patterns. So, to reach near-native levels of fluency, you'd need at least a year of full-time, immersive studying.

What does Boya mean in Japanese? ›

Noun. boya f (plural boyes) bubble.

Can I learn 50 kanji a day? ›

Yes, absolutely. That's the way I did it and it's 100% the best way to learn kanji, IMHO.

Can I learn 20 kanji a day? ›

If you learn 20 kanji a day, you can learn all of them in 100 days (just over 3 months). If you learn 10 kanji a day, you can learn all of them in 200 days (just under 7 months) If you learn 5 kanji a day, you can learn all of them in 400 days (just over 13 months)

How long does it take to learn 1 kanji? ›

But how long does it actually take to learn Kanji? According to our calculations, if you can put in the work to learn 25 kanji a day, and you have no prior experience with Japanese, you should be able to read kanji within three months.

What is 9999 Japanese? ›

Numbers from 1001 to 1999, 2001 to 2999, ... and 9001 to 9999 are formed with multiples of 1000 and number from 1 to 999: e.g. 1051 is sen gojū ichi (1000+50+1), 3006 is sanzen roku (3000+6) and 9999 is kyūsen kyūhyaku kyūjū kyū (9000+900+90+9).

Is there a yes kanji? ›

はい hai: yes (polite)

Is 7 Nana or Shichi? ›

Japanese numbers: 1 to 10
しち / ななsevenshichi / nana
きゅう/くninekyu / ku
6 more rows

Is kanji harder than Chinese? ›

Learning to read and write Japanese is probably harder than Chinese because most Japanese characters (kanji) have two or more pronunciations, whereas the vast majority of Chinese characters (hanzi) only have one. In Japanese you also have to contend with two syllabic scripts (hiragana and katakana).

Is there a kanji for no? ›

の, in hiragana, and ノ, in katakana, are Japanese kana, both representing one mora.
No (kana)
Man'yōgana努 怒 野 乃 能 笑 荷
spelling kana野原のノ (Nohara no no)
unicodeU+306E, U+30CE
5 more rows

What percentage of Japanese can write kanji? ›

CharactersTypesProportion of corpus (%)
Punctuation and symbols9913.09
2 more rows

What is the kanji for evil? ›

The two characters for good and evil (or bad), 良 よ い and 悪 わる respectfully, are really useful characters.

What is the kanji for fat? ›

#kanji - Jisho.org.

Is there a kanji for banana? ›

Japanese Kanji - 芭 banana.

How many exact kanji are there? ›

In Japan, there are only 2,136 Jōyō kanji (lit. commonly-used kanji), which are the ones taught in school, though literate people usually know more. The equivalent list in Chinese is the Xiàndài Hànyǔ Chángyòng Zìbiǎo, which has about 3,500 characters. Save this answer.

How many kanji words does the average person know? ›

A typical native Japanese knows the famous 2000 Kanji list and the words, as many as you can count. When in Japan, if you want to daily communicate with your friends or office colleagues or relatives, the number of words lies maximum around 1200–1500.

What is 7 in kanji Japanese? ›

七 shichi

How many kanji vocabulary are there? ›

There are 2136 Jōyō kanji, which in total have 3863 official readings (an average of 1.8 readings per kanji), so here we present 3863 words. Learning these words is the best way to ensure you know all key readings of each of the 2136 Jōyō kanji, and a great way to learn 3863 of the most useful Japanese words.

Can you learn 2000 kanji? ›

Realistic: Learning 2,000 kanji in one week is stretching it, but 3 months is a very doable timeframe if you are consistent.

Can you learn 20 kanji a day? ›

If you learn 20 kanji a day, you can learn all of them in 100 days (just over 3 months). If you learn 10 kanji a day, you can learn all of them in 200 days (just under 7 months) If you learn 5 kanji a day, you can learn all of them in 400 days (just over 13 months)

Do Japanese ever forget kanji? ›

Yes and no. In terms of writing ability, you could argue that Japanese people have somewhat forgotten kanji. As most people don't write things by hand anymore it has gotten easier to forget. It's the same as how English speakers say they've forgotten how to spell sometimes.

How much Japanese do you need to know to be fluent? ›

Generally speaking, you need to know about 3,000 – 5,000 Japanese words to be fluent in the language. But it can't just be any words, as you could simply learn the names of people, places, and Pokémon to hit one or two thousand.

Can you learn kanji in a year? ›

You would have to know all the jouyou kanji, 10,000 words, and know hundreds of grammar patterns. So, to reach near-native levels of fluency, you'd need at least a year of full-time, immersive studying.

How long does it take to become fluent in kanji? ›

To learn the essential kanji that makes up most Japanese words it takes up to 3 years by most standards but Actual Fluency calculates that 'if you learn 25 kanji a day, and have no prior experience with Japanese, you should be able to read kanji within three months'.

Is there a kanji for 0? ›

For zero in Japanese, the kanji is 零 (rei). However, it is more common to use and say “zero” the same way we say it in English: ゼロ (zero).

Can Japanese say Z? ›

If you are asking if the “z” sound exists in Japanese, yes it does. “Suzuki”, “Miyazake”, “Kamikaze”, “zen”- all these are Japanese.

What does Z mean in Japan? ›

The Z flag has special meaning in Japan (as well as in naval history generally) due to its connection with and symbolizing of the Japanese victory at the Battle of Tsushima. At the Battle of Tsushima on May 27, 1905, Admiral Tōgō raised a Z flag on his flagship Mikasa.

How long does it take to learn 10 kanji? ›

If you were to learn 10 kanji a day, completing the Jouyou character list would take you around 214 days. So less than a year! If you were only learning 5 kanji a day it would take you 428 days.

How hard is N1 Japanese? ›

The easiest level is N5 and the most difficult level is N1. N4 and N5 measure the level of understanding of basic Japanese mainly learned in class. N1and N2 measure the level of understanding of Japanese used in a broad range of scenes in actual everyday life. N3 is a bridging level between N1/N2 and N4/N5.

What is the longest word in kanji? ›

A funny phrase in japanese is “toragahitowokamoutosurutokinounarinow” 虎が人を噛もうとするときのうなり声。 It is 37 letters long and is comprised of a 17 syllables. It is a very odd phrase, as it is defined as “the growl a tiger makes when it is about to about to bite someone”.

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.