When you have chronic and painful shin splints and nothing helped – Caring Medical Florida (2024)

Ross Hauser, MD,Danielle R. Steilen-Matias, MMS, PA-C

You are a runner or an athlete, most likely a soccer player, that requires stamina and the ability to run up and down the field or court. You have an on-again, off-again problem with pain in the shin area. Your initial research online was “what do I do about this?” You got pretty much the same tips about resting, taking anti-inflammatories, ice, compression sleeves, and exercises and stretching from the websites you visited. You also found out that a lot of runners have your problem.

Finally, you went to the health care provider with your complaints and he/she recommended that you have “shin splints,” “Periostitis,” an inflammation of the soft tissue that surrounds the tibia (the main shin bone), or you have “Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome.” For the most part, they all mean Shin Splints.

You got your diagnosis and perhaps a prescription for a strong anti-inflammatory. You were probably advised to rest more often, continue with icing if that was helping, and come back in a few weeks if this problem did not resolve.

A few weeks later, you went back to the health care practitioner to report little improvement

While some people do respond to rest, some people do not. This is probably you and why you are reading this article. You are now back at your practitioner’s office and you decide that you want to follow a more aggressive treatment plan. Physical therapy may be called for. The exploration of shoe inserts may be explored to distribute the impact of walking or running to different parts of your foot, ankle, and shin.At least you feel that more is now being done. But will more work?

Understanding that your problem is much more than painful shins. This can end your ability to run.

As your problems progressed and you spent more time online researching, you started to discover that your problem may be more than just painful shins. You start to realize that there are reasons you cannot run or get better. Understanding of the causes of shin splints goes beyond “overdoing it” for people like you whose situation has become long-term.

Many athletes look to alternative treatments like Prolotherapy as a long-term solution to dealing with shin splint pain. We use Prolotherapy to stimulate the body to repair the painful injured area(s) when the body’s natural healing process is not able to do the job on its own.

Shoe after shoe

Shin splints are a common reason why people go through shoe after shoe, trying to find relief. Shin splints is the catch-all term for lower leg pain that occurs below the knee either on the front outside part of the leg (anterior shin splints) or the inside of the leg (medial shin splints). They are the bane of many athletes, runners, tennis players and even dancers. The condition typically involves only one leg, and almost always the athlete’s dominant one. If the athlete is right-handed, he or she is usually right-footed as well. Thus, the right leg of this individual would be more susceptible to shin splints. Physical examination of the patient with shin splints reveals a diffuse area of tenderness over the posterior medial edge of the tibia. The pain is occasionally aggravated by contractions of the soleus, posterior tibialis, or flexor digitorum longus muscles. We find the most reliable sign, though, is to poke on the area with the thumb to reproduce the athlete’s exact pain.

There are several causes and theories for why shin splints occur. Tightness in the posterior muscles that propel the body forward places additional strain on the muscles in the front part of the lower leg, which works to lift the foot upward and also prepares the foot to strike the running surface. Hard surface running as well as worn or improper shoes increase the stress on the anterior leg muscles. The lower leg muscles suffer a tremendous amount of stress when a runner lands only on the balls of the feet (toe running), without normal heel contact. The muscles of the foot and leg overwork in an attempt to stabilize the pronated (rotated in and down)foot, and the repeated stress can cause the muscles to tear where they attach to the tibia. Another possible cause is ligament damage. Both the “spring,” or plantar calcaneonavicular ligament, and the posterior talofibular ligament may be weakened or injured during running, again leading to painful shinsplints.

Shin splints often plague beginning runners who do not build their mileage gradually enough, as well as seasoned runners who abruptly change their workout regimen by suddenly adding too much mileage or switching from running on flat surfaces to hills, to cite just two examples.

Since shin splints are felt as intense pain in the leg, traditional treatment usually involves rest. This is after other measures, such as taping the arches, using heal cups in the athletic shoes and applying muscle pain-relieving topical gels and creams. The problem with this approach is that extended resting of the muscles and the periosteum, or the bone covering, will further weaken the already weak structures. It does not repair the weakened “spring,” or plantar calcaneonavicular ligament, or the posterior talofibular ligament, both of which take a considerable beating during running, the activity that is the most common cause of shin splints.

The United States Army has a problem with chronic shin splints.

If you are in the military you know that shin splints are a problem for new inductees as they go through basic training. Long runs and carrying heavy back is a powerful formula for shin splints. So Army doctors teamed up with Indiana State University researchers and published a paper in the Journal of Athletic Training (1)as to whatfactors put physically active individuals at risk for the development of medial tibial stress syndrome (Chronic shin splints).

  • Body mass index (BMI). Increased BMI means increased pressure on your legs and joints as you run, which could lead to shin splints
  • Navicular bone drop. Theinstep or arch of the middle of the foot drops out of place as the foot-arch complex becomes unstable due to excessive pronation (tilt).
  • Ankle instability can cause a hyper plantar-flexion range of motion (increased ability to point your toes down). Simultaneously, it can cause increased difficulty dorsiflexing the foot (pointing toes up), which causes the muscles that dorsiflex the foot (anterior shin muscles) to be overactive and increase stress on the shin.
  • Quadriceps angle.Commonly called the “Q angle”, this is the measurement of the angle between your quadriceps muscles and patellar tendon. This angle helps us determine the alignment of your knee. Increased Q angles, more common in women, can contribute to the development of shin splints.
  • Hipinstability This can cause a hyper plantar-flexion range of motion, similar to that which can be found with ankle instability. In addition, instability of the hip can increase forces on the tibia during activity or alter the Q angle, both of which increase torque on the lower leg and lead to shin splints.

An October 2020 study in theInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, (2) reviewed eleven research papers seeking risk factors for Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome in new and recreational runners. are mainly intrinsic (the way someone’s body moves) and include higher pelvic tilt in the frontal plane (please see our article Treatments for adult spinal deformities, leg length discrepancy, and pelvic tilt), peak internal rotation of the hip, navicular drop, and foot pronation (evaluation of the medial longitudinal arch, among others. Please see our article Adult acquired flatfoot deformity – fallen arches and flat feet treatments).

Treatment options

Since shin splints are felt as intense pain in the leg, traditional treatment usually involves rest. This is after other measures, such as taping the arches, using heal cups in the athletic shoes, and applying topical creams to the sore muscles have failed to give relief. The problem with this approach is that resting the muscles and the periosteum, or the bone covering, will further weaken the already weak structures. It does not repair the weakened ligaments of the hip and ankle that may be contributing, nor does it repair or undo the stress done on the tibia and surrounding soft tissue.


There is not much evidence that cortisone helps shin splints.

Dutch doctors offered the cases of two patients in the Journal of Sport Rehabilitation (3) where the cortisone injections did not help but further caused side effects.

Here the case doctors presented 2 cases of women with Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome who showed atrophy and depigmentation of the skin after pretibial corticosteroid injections.

  • Case 1 is an 18-year-old woman with pain in her lower leg for a period of 12 months. No improvement was noticed after conservative treatment, so she received local injections with corticosteroids. Five months later physical examination showed tissue atrophy and depigmentation around the injection sites.
  • Case 2 is a 22-year-old woman who presented with pain in both lower legs for 24 months. Several conservative treatment options failed, so she received local injections with corticosteroids. Physical examination revealed tissue atrophy and depigmentation around the injection sites.

Prolotherapy treatments for shin splints

Shin splints or medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS) is caused by injury to muscle attachments onto the medial tibia which can include the soleus, posterior tibialis, among others. While conservative care medicine treats shin splints with rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE), and NSAIDs, these can often make the structures weaker and is one of the reasons shin splints often come back.


In a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, titled: The effectiveness of Prolotherapy in the management of recalcitrant medial tibial stress syndrome: A pilot study (4) researchers examined seven patients who received dextrose Prolotherapy under ultrasound guidance to the painful area of the tibia. Using a visual analog scale (VAS) (10=highest pain, 0=no pain), all subjects reported a marked improvement in their symptoms after eighteen weeks post-injection.

The average visual analog scale pain score improvement per subject was 4/10, representing a return to the desired level of activity.

That research was from 2012, some of those same researchers have now published an April 2021 study. (5) Here their goal was to “evaluate whether ultrasound-guided injection of 15% dextrose (Prolotherapy) for treatment of recalcitrant medial tibial stress syndrome decreases pain and facilitates a return to desired activity levels for those who may otherwise be considering surgery or giving up the sport.”

  • Here the researchers followedeighteen patients: fifteen male and three female; (average age = 31.2 years) with recalcitrant medial tibial stress syndrome. Previously, these patients had failed all available conservative treatment.
  • The patients received an ultrasound-guided sub-periosteal injection of 15% dextrose Prolotherapy along the length of the symptomatic area.
  • The pain was assessed using the visual analog scale and assessed at short-term, medium-term (mean 18 weeks), and long-term (mean 52 weeks) follow-up.
  • Patients reported a significant reduction in average visual analog scale pain at medium and long-term follow-up compared to baseline. Median improvement per patient was 4.5/10.
  • Patients rated their condition as ‘much improved’ at medium-term follow-up and the median return to sports score was ‘returned to desired but not pre-injury level’ at medium-term and long-term follow-up. No adverse events were reported. (Let’s note that this was a single treatment – we would suggest 3 – 6 treatments for this problem.)

Conclusions: “Ultrasound-guided 15% dextrose prolotherapy injection has a significant medium-term effect on pain in medial tibial stress syndrome. This benefit may be maintained long-term. . .Clinical relevance: Clinicians should consider the use of ultrasound-guided injection of 15% dextrose as a viable treatment option to reduce pain and aid return to activity for patients with recalcitrant medial tibial stress syndrome.

Shin Splints Treatment with Prolotherapy

Prolotherapy specialist Danielle R. Steilen-Matias, MMS, PA-C, describes and demonstrates the treatment.

We are treating this patient today for shin splints. The patient is a runner, he runs every day. The patient has tried many of the other recommended treatments like icing, new shoes, and other things that did not seem to work for him.

The injections begin at 0:27 of the video.

I inject along the tender areas of the shin where the muscles meet up with the bone.

What happens in shin splints is that you can get these microtears in the muscle and you put ice on it or you’re rested it and it does not get better you may need to find other options. In Prolotherapy we can treat those micro tears and help them heal so we can alleviate the pain from the shin splits while repairing the damage.

We recommend that you continue your training and activities while receiving Prolotherapy. Runners however may want to decrease mileage and avoid doing too much too soon. Using the elliptical or power walking on the treadmill set at an incline to keep the heart rate up can help you continue to exercise during treatments. Stretching the Achilles and calf muscles is very important as is strengthening the lower leg muscles. Listen to your body. While some muscle aches or discomforts are to be expected when you push yourself, pain is not. Pain is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. If you continue exercising through pain, you risk injury.

A case report:

A 21-year-old male with a history of shin splints came to our office as a new patient. For the past 4 years, he has been suffering from shin splints when running, which he attributed to running in worn-out shoes for several years. He reported that his shins were in intense pain and “clicked” when running. He had tried rest, ice, ultrasound, stim, and chiropractic care for several years without any long-term benefit.

On exam, no instability in his hips, knees, or ankles was noted. His shins were diffusely severely tender to touch along the tibia and surrounding musculature attachments. He underwent several dextrose Prolotherapy and Neural Prolotherapy treatments, all the meanwhile doing cross-training and walk/jog intervals as the tissue healed. After three treatments, he reported significant pain when running and his shins were no longer clicking. At that time, he started training for a half marathon. As his training increased, he came back for two more treatments to his shin and ended up running his half marathon in just over two hours.

Can Prolotherapy help shin splints?

We have found that shin splints respond very well to Prolotherapy. As the ligament and tendon attachments strengthen, the athlete can continue to get back to working out without dreaded shin splints.

Dr. Ross Hauser is the Medical Director of Caring Medical. He is a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation physician who specializes in sports injuries and tough cases of chronic pain. In this video, Dr. Hauser discusses Prolotherapy treatment for shin splints or periostitis. At Caring Medical we treat many runners with injuries, including shin splints, runner’s knee, plantar fasciitis, and ankle sprains, among many other common sports injuries.

Questions about our treatments?

If you have questions about your pain and how we may be able to help you, please contact us andget help and information from our Caring Medical staff.

When you have chronic and painful shin splints and nothing helped – Caring Medical Florida (1)

Brian Hutcheson, DC | Ross Hauser, MD | Danielle Steilen-Matias, PA-C

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1 Winkelmann ZK, Anderson D, Games KE, Eberman LE.Risk Factors for Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome in Active Individuals: An Evidence-Based Review.J Athl Train. 2016 Nov 1.Indiana State University. [Google Scholar]
2 Menéndez C, Batalla L, Prieto A, Rodríguez MÁ, Crespo I, Olmedillas H. Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome in Novice and Recreational Runners: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020 Jan;17(20):7457. [Google Scholar]
3 Loopik MF, Winters M, Moen MH. Atrophy and depigmentation after pretibial corticosteroid injection for medial tibial stress syndrome: two case reports. Journal of sport rehabilitation. 2016 Dec 1;25(4):380-1. [Google Scholar]
4 Curtin M, Crisp T, Malliaras P, Padhiar N. The effectiveness of prolotherapy in the management of recalcitrant medial tibial stress syndrome: a pilot study. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2011 Feb 1;45(2):e1-. [Google Scholar]
5 Padhiar N, Curtin M, Aweid O, Awied B, Morrissey D, Chan O, Malliaras P, Crisp T. The Effectiveness of Prolotherapy for Recalcitrant Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome: a Prospective Consecutive Case Series. [Google Scholar]

This article was updated April 19, 2021

When you have chronic and painful shin splints and nothing helped – Caring Medical Florida (2024)


What happens when shin splints won't go away? ›

If your shin splints do not go away over a long period of time, see your doctor. You may need to be tested for stress fractures or other conditions that could be causing the pain. Preventing shin splints from returning may require an evaluation of your diet, footwear, stretching and flexibility.

Can you have shin splints your whole life? ›

The Long Term

Recurring shin splints are common, and, without full treatment, there is a possibility for permanent injury. It's also important to not self-diagnose shin splints, as they can sometimes mask more severe injuries, like a stress fracture. Shin splints also take much longer to heal than you might think.

Why does my shin hurt constantly? ›

Shin splints most often happen after hard exercise, sports, or repetitive activity. This repetitive action can lead to inflammation of the muscles, tendons, and thin layer of tissue covering the shin bones, causing pain.

What deficiency causes shin pain? ›

Vitamin D deficiency is associated with tibial bone pain and tenderness.

Do shin splints show up on xray? ›

X-rays, bone scan, and MRI are often negative with shin splints, but they may help to differentiate shin splints from stress fractures. X-rays may demonstrate some generalized periosteal thickening.

Can you get surgery for shin splints? ›

Wearing proper footwear and modifying your exercise routine can help prevent shin splints from recurring. In severe cases, you may need a surgery called a fasciotomy to relieve chronic shin splints that are not healing with conservative measures.

Can you get injections for shin splints? ›

However, shin splints can become chronic. They are due to the pain of the tearing of the attachment of the muscle to the tibia. Prolotherapy helps to heal these conditions in 90% of the cases. It only requires injections each week for five weeks and staying away from anti-inflammatories.

Why are shin splints so painful? ›

The pain associated with shin splints results from excessive amounts of force on the shin bone and the tissues attaching the shin bone to the muscles surrounding it. The excessive force causes the muscles to swell and increases the pressure against the bone, leading to pain and inflammation.

What can an orthopedic doctor do for shin splints? ›

Range of Motion Exercises – Your doctor will recommend exercises that will help shin splints. Physical Therapy – Often times, the orthopedic specialist will order PT for you to strengthen the muscles in your legs. Surgery – For some people, surgery is the only treatment option.

Are shin splints a chronic injury? ›

Shin splints is a common & often chronic running injury, yet poorly understood by most health care professionals.

Can shin splints cause other problems? ›

Shin splints, also called medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS), get better with rest and don't cause lasting problems.

Can arthritis cause shin pain? ›

In knee osteoarthritis, cartilage wears down until the shin, thigh, and kneecap rub together, causing pain and inflammation.

What helps nerve pain in shin? ›

Numbness in shin treatment
  1. rest (especially if you have an injury)
  2. ice or heat (when the cause is a pinched nerve)
  3. Ibuprofen (to reduce inflammation)
  4. exercise (for pinched nerves)
  5. massage (to reduce feelings of numbness and ease symptoms of pinched nerves)
25 Sept 2018

Do compression socks help with shin splints? ›

Untreated shin splints are painful and can progress into stress fractures. Thus it is crucial to find a cure for it at the earliest. One of the proven remedies for shin splints is wearing compression socks. They provide significant relief from its pain.

Can a vitamin deficiency cause shin splints? ›

According to research, one of the factors in shin splints is vitamin D deficiency. So, taking vitamin D supplements may help prevent the pain from recurring.

What are signs of low vitamin D? ›

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency may include:
  • Fatigue.
  • Not sleeping well.
  • Bone pain or achiness.
  • Depression or feelings of sadness.
  • Hair loss.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Getting sick more easily.
19 Jul 2022

Can lack of vitamin D cause leg pain? ›

A vitamin D deficiency can affect both physical and mental health, but many people have low levels of vitamin D without realizing. The physical symptoms of a deficiency may include muscle pain in the joints, including rheumatoid arthritis (RA) pain, which often occurs in the knees, legs, and hips.

What does an MRI show in the shin? ›

Having a lower leg MRI scan can reveal the causes of acute or persistent leg pain, identifying both bone problems such as osteoarthritis, but also soft tissue-related sprains, strains, and tears, as well as nerve compression and tendonitis.

How does a doctor diagnose shin splints? ›

How are shin splints diagnosed? Your doctor will diagnose a shin splint by asking about how you've been using the muscles, what exercise you've been doing, and the location of pain. A stress fracture is confirmed by an x-ray, bone scan, MRI or CT scan.

Can a shin splint turn into a stress fracture? ›

With shin splints, the tenderness or pain usually spans just a few inches in length. At first the pain might cease when you stop running. Over time, however, pain could become chronic as the injury progresses into a stress fracture.

What kind of doctor treats shin pain? ›

Orthopedists treat issues affecting the bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments, which makes them the smart choice of who to go and see if you have an ongoing pain that acts up during or after a run, such as shin splints.

How long is recovery from shin splint surgery? ›

Treatment for shin splints principally involves complete rest for a period of about three to six weeks to let the stretched muscles heal.

How long is shin surgery? ›

In most cases, the surgery takes about 1 to 2 hours.

Can you get a steroid shot for shin splints? ›

There is no strong evidence to support that corticosteroid injections are an effective treatment for shin splints. However, anecdotal injections at the edge of the muscular connection to the bone or its lining (“periosteum”) have been reported with variable success.

Why do my shin splints keep coming back? ›

While conservative care medicine treats shin splints with rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE), and NSAIDs, these can often make the structures weaker and is one of the reasons shin splints often come back.

Does Voltaren Gel help shin splints? ›

Voltaren Gel

Technically, it's a topical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that's FDA-approved to treat osteoarthritis of the joints, and commonly used by patients with IT band syndrome, plantar fasciitis, and shin splints.

How do you know if shin splints are serious? ›

Pain may be worse at the beginning of activity and then subside during exercise — or it may subside when you stop moving. If the shin pain persists after you've stopped exercising, your shin splints are probably getting worse and you may be at risk of developing a stress fracture.

What causes shin pain in older adults? ›

According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), shin splints are a common cause of shin pain. But there are many other causes of shin pain, such as an injury, bone bruise, or stress fracture. In many cases, a person with shin pain will not need to see a doctor.

Can hip problems cause shin pain? ›

Today, we'll look at a pair of new studies which indicate that hip weakness and instability is implicated in causing medial tibial stress syndrome (shin splints), another extremely common running injury.

Do orthotics Work for shin splints? ›

Orthotics. People who have flat feet or recurrent problems with shin splints may benefit from orthotics. Shoe inserts can help align and stablize your foot and ankle, taking stress off of your lower leg. Orthotics can be custom-made for your foot, or purchased “off the shelf.”

What tendons are affected by shin splints? ›

As the tendons around the tibia (shinbone) become inflamed, they can cause pain, usually on the inside of the shin.
It consists of the following:
  • Tibia (the larger shinbone)
  • Fibula (the smaller shinbone)
  • Tibialis anterior (muscle)
  • Tibialis posterior (muscle)

Do podiatrists treat shin splints? ›

Podiatrists can treat shin splints with a combination of load optimisation and capacity building. Load optimisation is the skill of reducing any pathological over-load and bringing our bodies back into their comfort zones. For shin splints this could involve a shoe change.

Are there different levels of shin splints? ›

Grade 1: pain occurring after activity; Grade 2: pain occurring before and after activity, but not affecting performance; Grade 3: pain occurring before, during, and after activity affecting performance; and, Grade 4: pain that is so severe that performance is impossible.

Do anti inflammatories help shin splints? ›

People with shin splints may also safely take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, to quell pain. It may also be useful to invest in inserts, kinesiology tape, compression socks, or a foam roller, says Dr. Carter.

What can cause shin pain besides shin splints? ›

7 Common Causes of Shin Pain
  • Minor injury. A sports injury, bruise, or stress fracture may cause shin pain. ...
  • Bone bruise. A bone bruise on the shin can occur due to injury, such as a fall or playing sports. ...
  • Stress fracture. ...
  • Bone fracture. ...
  • Adamantinoma and osteofibrous dysplasia. ...
  • Fibrous dysplasia.
20 Feb 2020

Are shin splints muscle or bone pain? ›

The pain of shin splints is from the inflammation of the muscles, tendons, and bone tissue around your shin.

Are shin splints muscle or bone? ›

Shin splints happen when the muscles, tendons and bone tissue around your shin bone – the tibia – become inflamed. They are a common problem for runners, gymnasts and dancers.

Are shin splints a musculoskeletal injury? ›

Shin splints, or Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome, is the most common musculoskeletal injury in runners, afflicting 9.5% of this population at a time.

What are 5 causes of shin splints? ›

Shin splints — or medial tibial stress syndrome — are overuse injuries caused by repeated stress on the lower legs.
These shin splint risk factors include:
  • Problems with the arch of your foot or flat feet.
  • Muscle imbalances in the lower leg.
  • Running on hard or inclined surfaces.
  • Inadequate shoes.

Should you massage shin splints? ›

Bottom Line. Yes, a massage does help shin splints. Shin splints affect the deep muscles of your lower legs, and that's why therapies that involve deep tissue massage will help you recover faster than foam rolling or stretching. You can even give yourself a massage at home for a minor shin splint.

What can cause shin pain besides shin splints? ›

7 causes of shin pain or aching shin bone
  • Minor injury.
  • Bone bruise.
  • Stress fracture.
  • Bone fracture.
  • Bone tumor.
  • Paget's disease of the bone.
  • Fibrous dysplasia.
  • Risk factors.

Do compression socks help with shin splints? ›

Untreated shin splints are painful and can progress into stress fractures. Thus it is crucial to find a cure for it at the earliest. One of the proven remedies for shin splints is wearing compression socks. They provide significant relief from its pain.

Do shoes affect shin splints? ›

The shoes you wear can be a contributing factor to your injury if you've developed shin splints.

Do shoe inserts help with shin splints? ›

People who have flat feet or recurrent problems with shin splints may benefit from orthotics. Shoe inserts can help align and stablize your foot and ankle, taking stress off of your lower leg. Orthotics can be custom-made for your foot, or purchased “off the shelf.”

Are shin splints serious? ›

Shin splints is a type of shin pain, usually caused by exercise. It's not serious and there are things you can do to help get better.

Should shin splints hurt when walking? ›

Symptoms: Lower leg pain while running, especially at faster speeds. Shin splints don't usually cause pain while walking or during daily, non-running activities. The pain often goes away once running is stopped. Treatment: I start runners with rest, ice and anti-inflammatory medication for pain.

Can cortisone shots help shin splints? ›

There is no strong evidence to support that corticosteroid injections are an effective treatment for shin splints. However, anecdotal injections at the edge of the muscular connection to the bone or its lining (“periosteum”) have been reported with variable success.

Do shin splint wraps work? ›

By compressing your calves and shins, compression sleeves increase oxygen and blood flow to the areas most susceptible to shin splints and related injuries. The boost in circulation helps improve muscular endurance, increase muscle efficiency, and aid in pain relief.

What helps nerve pain in shin? ›

Numbness in shin treatment
  1. rest (especially if you have an injury)
  2. ice or heat (when the cause is a pinched nerve)
  3. Ibuprofen (to reduce inflammation)
  4. exercise (for pinched nerves)
  5. massage (to reduce feelings of numbness and ease symptoms of pinched nerves)
25 Sept 2018

Can arthritis cause shin pain? ›

In knee osteoarthritis, cartilage wears down until the shin, thigh, and kneecap rub together, causing pain and inflammation.

Can hip problems cause shin pain? ›

Today, we'll look at a pair of new studies which indicate that hip weakness and instability is implicated in causing medial tibial stress syndrome (shin splints), another extremely common running injury.

Are compression socks or sleeves better for shin splints? ›

Compression sleeves are ideal for:

Compression sleeves provide much needed TLC to the calf and shin areas by boosting blood flow to injured tissue, reducing pain and inflammation. If you frequently suffer from shin splints, sleeves would be an ideal choice to help you get back in the game much more quickly.

How long should you wear compression sleeves for shin splints? ›

Compression socks are rarely advised to be worn for more than 12 hours. Often, they are recommended for only a few hours each day, such as during a run and a few hours post-workout. If compression socks are not put on evenly, they can cause sores and swelling.

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