The Disadvantages of Being a Nurse Practitioner (2024)

By Chron Contributor Updated March 03, 2021

Nurse practitioners, or NPs, perform many tasks as a part of health care teams including physical examinations, interpreting X-rays and laboratory results, diagnosing conditions, prescribing medication and monitoring treatment plans. Nurse practitioners are in high demand because of their ability to complete many primary care services. However, a career as an NP has several disadvantages. Leaving the NP profession can result from high stress levels, long hours and the legal risks of this demanding job.

Many Years of Schooling

Nurse practitioners must complete extensive education making it difficult for some people to finish the educational requirements. Nurse practitioners are advanced practice registered nurses (APRN) with at least a master's degree, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Some have completed a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) credential. Extensive, specialized training includes diagnostic procedures, anatomy and physiology and prescribing medication.

Long and Varied Working Hours

Nurse practitioners work at least a 40-hour work week, often including weekends and night shifts, although the specific hours and expectations vary based on the nurse's employer. Many nurse practitioners, especially those who work in hospitals or other 24-hour care facilities, work rotating shifts. Shift work upsets the body's natural circadian rhythm, which increases health risks of heart disease, cancer, stroke, obesity and depression, as explained on the EMS1 website.

In some cases, the challenges of being a nurse practitioner include being on-call and working overtime. The long and unpredictable hours may negatively affect the nurse's family and social life. Unhappy nurse practitioners may experience burnout and dissatisfaction with their career choice. Nurse practitioners working in private practices or nonemergency clinics have more control over their hours and typically only work day shifts.

Environmental Exposure

Nurse practitioners may work in settings such as those listed previously as well as pharmaceutical companies and research facilities. Conditions in these locations may vary and cause risk to the nurse. Nurses working in teaching and administrative roles face few risks.

Nurses in clinical settings face greater risks and are exposed to blood pathogens and contagious diseases. Depending on the research topic, nurses in research facilities may also face the risk of contracting a disease or side effects from any chemicals and medications with which they come in contact.

High Stress Levels

Nurse practitioners stress level can be very high. They deal with sick or injured patients on a regular basis and are responsible for patients' treatment plans. This is a huge responsibility for the nurse, and in some cases, a patient cannot be treated or saved creating further emotional stress. In addition, nurses often speak with patients' families who may be angry or grieving. Nurses also face potential conflicts with doctors and other medical staff ranging from personality conflicts to disagreements over diagnoses and treatment plans.

Legal Risks

Nurse practitioners in most states have the power to diagnose and treat patients and prescribe medication. This responsibility leaves nurse practitioners open to malpractice law suits from patients who are unhappy with their treatment, don't recover or suffer side effects. If a patient dies, the nurse practitioner may also be sued by the patient's family. Nurses may face malpractice or civil lawsuits for medications that are administered incorrectly or in the wrong doses, even if the medications are prescribed by a physician.

The Disadvantages of Being a Nurse Practitioner (2024)
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