Level (2024)

The level of a Monster is a measurement of how strong a Monster current is. Monsters can level up by gaining experience (EXP) after battles or by using Level Badges. These Level Badges can only be used on Monsters that are at least two levels lower than your highest-level Monster. For instance, if your highest-level Monster is at level 22, you can only use Level Badges on Monsters that are level 20 or lower.

When a Monster levels up, its stats increase, and it gains a Skill Point, allowing it to take an additional skill on its Skill Tree. Every ten levels, a new tier is unlocked on the Monster's Skill Tree, and reaching level 40 unlocks Ultimate skills. After gaining a level, a Monster's EXP bar resets to 0.


  • 1 Level Cap
  • 2 Experience
  • 3 Wild Monsters
  • 4 Hatched Eggs

Level Cap[]

In Monster Sanctuary, the maximum level is 42. Once a Monster reaches this level, it can still accumulate EXP after battles. However, instead of leveling up, the player is rewarded with a Level Badge 42. These Level Badges can be used on any Monster that has not reached the level cap. Filling the EXP bar resets it to 0, allowing players to obtain an infinite supply of Level Badge 42s at no cost.


Each Monster gains the same amount of EXP at the end of a battle, regardless if they participated in the battle or not. Only the first six active Monsters in your party will gain EXP. In New Game+, inactive Monsters can gain EXP alongside your active Monsters until they reach their original level. Monsters donated to the Monster Army also accumulate the same EXP for every battle the player faces until they reach the level cap. Defeating higher-level Monsters grants more EXP. The Infinity Arena and Online Arena do not award Monsters any EXP. The table below shows the EXP and total EXP needed to level up on each level.

Current levelEXP neededTotal EXP neededCurrent levelEXP neededTotal EXP needed

Wild Monsters[]

The level of wild Monsters scales with the number of rooms containing Monster encounters that the player has explored. Upon entering a room with a Monster encounter, the Monsters' levels in that room become fixed. Certain areas have a predefined minimum level set for the Monsters:

Do note that the minimum levels above only applies to wild battles. Monsters in Keeper Duels scale normally and do not have a set minimum level, whereas Legendary Keepers have max level Monsters.

An NPC at Horizon Beach can adjust the minimum level of all wild Monsters based on the player's Keeper Rank. This adjustment does not lower the level of wild Monsters; it has no effect on areas with a higher minimum level or on existing Monster encounters that are already above the adjusted minimum level.

RankMinimum Level
Keeper Aspirant3
Keeper Novice9
Keeper Seeker12
Keeper Lancer15
Keeper Ranger20
Keeper Knight25
Keeper Champion29
Keeper Dragoon33
Keeper Master42

Hatched Eggs[]

When hatching a Monster egg, the newly hatched Monster's level is determined by the level of your highest Monster. This feature proves beneficial, reducing the need for extensive grinding to level up your Monsters, particularly those that are underleveled.

  • If the highest level Monster is between level 1-3, hatched Monsters will be the same level.
  • If the highest level Monster is between level 4-11, hatched Monsters will be 1 level lower.
  • If the highest level Monster is between level 12-32, hatched Monsters will be 2 levels lower.
  • If the highest level Monster is level 33 or higher, hatched Monsters will be 3 levels lower.
Level (2024)
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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.