Cosmetic Surgery Aftercare to Reduce Swelling (2024)

If you have undergone plastic surgery, it is likely that you are excited to see the “new you” in the mirror. But you may not be prepared for the swelling that occurs after surgery. Fortunately, there are things you can do to reduce swelling and inflammation after plastic surgery.

Patients should know that swelling is perfectly normal following any surgery, including cosmetic surgery. The degree of swelling that occurs depends on the surgical location. For example, the face is more likely to swell than the abdomen or breasts. Swelling will generally be at its worst for a week or two, although it may take a bit longer to subside for those with thick skin. Swelling and inflammation will continue to reduce in the months after surgery; within three months, patients can expect 90 percent of swelling to subside, and all swelling is gone within one year.

In order to reduce swelling and bruising, the best advice is to follow what is known as the RICE approach to recovery:

  • Rest: As with any other surgery, you will need to take it easy. Don’t jump right back into your normal routine. Give yourself time to let yourself heal. A good rule of thumb is to rest up for about three to five days following surgery.
  • Ice: Ice will help fluids to drain, thereby reducing swelling. Apply ice to the affected body area for the first 48 hours following surgery. Blue ice gel packs will provide the most comfort and can be refrozen as needed.
  • Compression: Cold compresses will also help bring down swelling and reduce bruising time. Your doctor may also give you a special compression support bandage to wear, generally for the first one or two weeks after surgery. These compression bandages can be removed for showering and bathing.
  • Elevate the affected area above the heart: This also allows fluids to drain out of the affected areas. For example, prop your head up with pillows at night following eyelid or facial surgery.

Arnica montana and vitamin C are excellent natural ways to boost your immunity and healing after surgery. You should also drink plenty of water after surgery.

You should avoid aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Medications that contain aspirin (such as Bufferin or Anacin) or other NSAIDS (Advil, Motrin, Ibuprofin) are blood thinners, which will inhibit clotting and increase your healing time following surgery. You should actually discontinue use of these medications about two weeks prior to your surgery.

In addition, you should avoid or reduce exposure to ultraviolet light for the first three to six months following surgery to minimize possible permanent change in skin pigmentation at the surgery site. Wear sunscreen (SPF 15 or higher). If you have undergone facial surgery, wear a hat if you are out in the sun.

As you would do for any medical procedure, talk to your doctor about the best ways to reduce swelling, as well as how to reduce itching, bruising, scarring and pain after surgery. Let your doctor know if there are any unusual changes or complications during your healing process. But most of all, know to expect some swelling and let your body take the time it needs to heal.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Crawford, contact our Atlanta area practice today.

Cosmetic Surgery Aftercare to Reduce Swelling (2024)
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