Arnica Oil for Hair: Benefits, Side Effects, and How to Use It (2024)

Arnica, also known as Arnica Montana, is a perennial flowering herb that belongs to the Asteraceae family. It is native to cold and rocky regions like Siberia and Eastern Europe. It is also called ‘the mountain daisy’ due to its yellow-orange appearance, resembling common daisies.

Arnica has long been a staple hom*oeopathic treatment for skin, scalp, and hair conditions. The usage of Arnica oil for hair is based on scientific merit, which you will notice in the suggestions as you read ahead.

What is Arnica Oil?

Arnica or mountain daisy is a herb from which “Arnica oil” is extracted. Arnica oil for hair benefits is well known, but it works for a number of skin problems too.

Other names:

  • Mountain Tobacco
  • Leopards’ Bane
  • Wolf’s Bane

The hom*oeopathic Arnica oil is made from a herb that grows in some mountainous regions in North America. It is a medicinal plant and helps manage a number of ailments. It is extracted from the herb using hom*oeopathic methods, so all the potent nutrients from the plant are retained in the oil. Besides using Arnica hair oil for hair regrowth, it promotes anti-inflammatory action for skin ailments as well.

Pure arnica oil extracted from the best quality plants should be used to obtain the maximum benefits. Using poor quality oil may not give results as expected for healthy hair.

Does Arnica Oil Work For Hair?

Due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action, arnica oil clears up built-up oil residue on the scalp and helps with many hair and scalp related conditions. However, one must first dilute it before application.

One thing to keep in mind, the benefits mentioned are anecdotal and more research is needed to confirm its efficacy.

Arnica Oil for Hair Benefits

The herb's anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, fungicidal, pain-relieving, soothing, healing, and rejuvenating properties make it potent and worthy of finding application as a herbal oil.

Does arnica oil work for hair? Read on to find out more about this magic herb.

1. Arnica Oil for Hair Loss

The hair strands you notice on your head are more of a collection of dead cells. They find an escape route from you while you comb your hair. Finding extensive hair on your brush is a sign of hair loss.

Arnica oil for hair aids in extending the hair life by stimulating hair follicles and strengthening the protein content in your hair strands. It helps clear excessive sebum oil, dirt, and debris on the scalp and removes blockages on your hair follicles. In addition, the antibacterial and fungicidal tendencies can help reduce itching and irritation that leads to hair loss.

Arnica hair oil in hom*oeopathy is used to manage Alopecia Areata, a dreaded condition that leads to heavy hair loss.

2. Arnica Hair Oil for Hair Regrowth

Hair regrowth happens as a result of clearing excessive sebum on the scalp. With the clearing of the oil and the stubborn dirt on the scalp, the blockage of the hair follicles reduces, thereby paving the way for new hair growth.

Arnica has anti-inflammatory properties and helps clear the excess sebum and promote hair regrowth on the scalp.

3. Treatment for Dandruff

Dandruff is a consequence of scalp irritation, fungal infection, and dry skin. Arnica oil retains the natural oil by boosting sebum secretion and reducing inflammation. Its application provides relief from itching and enhances hair texture.

4. Manages Split Ends

Split ends are corrected by cutting off hair from the ends, which may not be preferred by women who love long hair. Arnica oil helps infuse your hair strands with healthy proteins to keep split ends away. Massage your scalp with Arnica hair oil regularly to get rid of split ends.

5. Prevents Hair from Greying

Hair greying is caused mainly due to genetics and stress factors. Although these factors are not in your control, you can preserve your hair strength and health to extend the lifespan of your hair strands. Arnica oil for hair helps increase the longevity of your hair and possibly fends off early greying of hair by boosting blood circulation and strengthening the hair follicles.

6. Maintains Hair Lustre

The high nutrient extracting capability of Arnica hair oil in hom*oeopathy helps retain the gloss and shine of the hair for extended periods. In addition, the anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, fungicidal, and rejuvenating properties of Arnica oil boost hair health.
You can mix Arnica oil for hair with other oils to benefit your hair health. For example, arnica and tea tree oil for hair help your hair health by promoting hair regrowth and combating dandruff, dry scalp, and hair fall.

7. Arnica and Tea Tree Oil for Hair Benefits

The use of arnica oil and tea tree oil have major hair benefits as they can help unplug hair follicles, thereby promoting healthy hair growth. These essential oils have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Tea tree oil is proven to have anti-dandruff properties as it has anti-fungal action on the scalp. Thus, it can be a great alternative to conventional medicated shampoos for getting rid of dandruff.

How to Use Arnica Oil for Hair?

Arnica oil can be directly applied to the area of concern, for instance, inflamed, itchy scalp, but one should never apply it directly to a wound. It can work for hair-related problems due to its manifold advantageous properties.

How to apply?

  • You can warm some oil in a small bowl and apply it all over the scalp with a small cotton swab or directly with fingers. Warming the oil will ensure that it penetrates the scalp well and acts at a deeper level of the tissues.
  • You can mix it with your shampoos or conditioners and use it as a part of your routine hair care regimen.
  • You can mix arnica oil with a carrier oil (almond or coconut oil) and apply it like a hair mask.

Arnica Oil Alternatives

There are many other essential oils that you can add to your hair-care regimen! Essential oils such as cedarwood oil, lavender oil, rosemary oil, peppermint and tea tree oil can be used. Each essential oil has different benefits.

Argan oil is another well-known oil. The benefits of argan oil are as follows:

  • Good moisturizing and conditioning agent
  • It is good for scalp health
  • Effective for hair loss
  • Protects hair from sun damage
  • Prevents damage that occurs due to colouring and styling hair

Where to Buy Arnica Oil for Hair

You may buy Arnica oil at a grocery store or order it online. There are many brands available. You can also check them out at different beauty stores.

Arnica Hair Oil Price

The price of an Allen Arnica Gold Anti Hair Fall Oil of 110ml bottle is Rs 100/-.

Arnica Hair Oil Side Effects

Here are some possible side effects of arnica oil,

  • One must not use it if they are allergic to ragweed as it can lead to dangerous symptoms such as hives, breathing difficulty, etc.
  • Ingestion can accelerate heart rate and increase blood pressure.

If you experience any unusual symptoms like redness or swelling, discontinue usage. As it is not FDA approved, pregnant women must refrain from using it.

Summing Up Arnica Hair Oil for Hair Regrowth

Arnica oil is something to consider to add to your hair care routine. It is a must-have product that is good for treating a wide variety of hair conditions, as discussed above. It can ensure good hair health by making your hair strong, shiny and free of dandruff. However, if one faces anything unusual, one must consult a doctor.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I Put Arnica Oil on My Hair?

Yes, most certainly, you can put arnica oil in your hair. Arnica is a hom*oeopathic oil used extensively for protection against hair fall, deferring greying, promoting hair regrowth, protecting against dandruff and split ends, and retaining the gloss and shine of the hair. Use Arnica oil for hair if you are not allergic to any of its ingredients.

Is Arnica Good for Hair Loss?

Yes, Arnica is effective in managing hair loss owing to its antibacterial and fungicidal properties. This helps clear hidden dirt in the scalp and promotes the natural sebum secretion in the hair. Arnica oil also helps in improving the protein content in the hair follicles, thereby strengthening your hair.

Is Arnica Safe for Daily Use?

There is not much research on its frequent usage. Arnica oil is a safe ingredient for most people. But you must do a patch test by applying a small amount before using it fully.

How Fast Does Arnica Oil Work?

The information on how long it takes for arnica oil to work is unknown. But you may see some results in 2-3 months.


Arnica Oil for Hair: Benefits, Side Effects, and How to Use It (2024)


How do you use arnica oil on your hair? ›

You can mix two to three drops of arnica oil with every 8 to 10 drops of carrier oil to create a mixture to coat your scalp. Leave this hair mask on for no more than 15 minutes before rinsing thoroughly with lukewarm water.

How often should you apply arnica oil? ›

How often should I use an Arnicare topical? The recommended frequency of application for all Arnicare topicals is three times a day.

What are the side effects of arnica oil? ›

Arnica is rarely used as an internal herbal remedy because it can cause dizziness, tremors, and heart irregularities. It may also irritate mucous membranes and cause vomiting. Large doses can even be fatal. DO NOT take arnica by mouth except under close supervision of your doctor.

How much arnica should I use? ›

The recommended usage is to take 5 pellets of Boiron Arnica three times a day, beginning two days prior to your procedure. You can continue taking arnica until your symptoms improve up to a week after the procedure.

How do you apply oil to your hair or scalp? ›

How to oil your hair
  1. Apply oil on your scalp and massage with fingertips using a circular motion.
  2. Apply the oil left on your palms to your hair.
  3. Cover with a towel or shower cap and leave on overnight.
  4. The next day, shampoo hair while dry. Rinse thoroughly.
  5. Condition as normal.
Jan 8, 2021

Can arnica hair oil regrow hair? ›

Arnica Hair Oil for Hair Regrowth

With the clearing of the oil and the stubborn dirt on the scalp, the blockage of the hair follicles reduces, thereby paving the way for new hair growth. Arnica has anti-inflammatory properties and helps clear the excess sebum and promote hair regrowth on the scalp.

How to use arnica for hair growth? ›

Regular massages to the scalp and hair with arnica will help in fighting the issue of hair loss. Providing nourishment to the scalp, arnica invigorates it and stimulates the hair follicles to promote the growth of new and healthy hair.

Does arnica oil need to be diluted? ›

It relieves pain, inflammation & bruising, in addition to treating arthritis & promoting hair growth. Arnica Oil captures the natural soothing essence of Arnica & can be used as a massage therapy oil. It has to be diluted with any of your favorite essential oils prior to massaging into the skin.

Can you apply too much arnica? ›

Large amounts of undiluted Arnica can cause irritation or damage to the skin, mouth, throat, and stomach, as well as vomiting, diarrhea, rashes, shortness of breath, fast heartbeat, high blood pressure, damage to the heart and other organs, increased bleeding, coma, and death.

Can arnica cause kidney problems? ›

Arnica Warnings

Homeopathic arnica creams or gels can cause burning and skin irritation. Risks. Always talk to a doctor before using arnica. When swallowed, pure arnica can cause rapid heartbeat, gastrointestinal problems, kidney and liver damage, coma, and death.

When should you not use arnica? ›

Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Don't take arnica by mouth or apply it to the skin if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. It is considered likely unsafe. Allergy to ragweed and related plants: Arnica may cause an allergic reaction in people who are sensitive to the Asteraceae/Compositae family.

How quickly does arnica work? ›

Answer: Arnica helps bruises go away faster

A typical bruise goes away in 2-3 weeks on its own. With arnica, it's 5-6 days.

How does arnica work so fast? ›

The reason arnica works is because, like many plants, it has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, says Anderson. When arnica cream or arnica gel is applied, it stimulates circulation, helping the body's own healing system react—which encourages some speedy relief.

What is arnica oil good for? ›

By using Arnica oil, you can aid recovery and mitigate the symptoms of muscle spasms, aches, pains, and pulls. It is also an effective natural remedy for related arthritic soreness and is likely to treat the pain just as well as ibuprofen.

How do you know if homeopathic remedy is working? ›

1. A curative response – your target symptoms improve gradually without any complications. 2. An aggravation – your target symptoms temporarily worsen; this is sometimes unavoidable but know that they are usually short lived and is a great sign that the homeopathic medicine is working.

Should you put oil in your hair wet or dry? ›

Applying the oil while the hair is wet will nourish and protect it from frizz and pollution as it dries into a subtly shiny version of its natural texture. Once the hair is dry, you may pump a touch more oil into your palm, rub it between your hands and smooth it over your lengths and ends.

Should I oil my scalp wet or dry? ›

You can oil when your hair is damp or dry, but your hair and scalp have to be clean, or the oil won't have a chance to be absorbed,” says Dr Gupta. For heavier oils like coconut oil, applying it on dry hair is best, as the larger molecules may not penetrate the shaft of wet hair as well it can dry hair.

Should I sleep with oil in my hair? ›

Avoid leaving oil in overnight

The longer, the better — that may be true for some hair treatments but not for hair oiling as the oil can block your hair follicles. Unless an ayurvedic doctor or expert has asked you to leave a medicated oil overnight, wash out the oil within 3-4 hours.

Which oil is best for hair loss and regrowth? ›

Here are 5 top oils for the regrowth of hair:
  1. Castor oil. Rich in fatty acids, linolenic acid, and oleic acid, as well as vitamin E and minerals, castor oil works like a miracle for preventing dry hair and inducing faster and thicker hair regrowth. ...
  2. Olive oil. ...
  3. Rosemary oil. ...
  4. Thyme oil. ...
  5. Coconut oil.
Dec 20, 2022

Which oil is best for hair growth and thickness? ›

Jojoba oil is a great natural remedy for improving the health and thickness of your hair. It is full of nutrients like vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fatty acids that help to nourish the scalp and encourage the healthy growth of thicker strands.

Which oil regrow hair fast? ›

Rosemary oil

Rosemary oil has been found to stimulate new hair growth and can even be used to treat androgenetic alopecia. Mix a few drops of rosemary oil into a carrier oil, like argan oil or jojoba oil, and massage it into your hair and scalp before rinsing. You can do this a few times per week.

Does arnica stop hair fall? ›

Arnica Gold is remarkably effective for preventing hair fall. It stimulates and strengthens hair follicles thereby reducing hair loss, while enhancing new hair growth. It provides a better blood circulation at the level of the scalp which strengthens hair roots and follicles grow stronger and thicker.

Which arnica hair oil is best for hair growth? ›

Sunny Arnica Montana Hair Oil | Improves blood Circulation of Scalp, Checks Dandruff & Strengthens Hair Roots| Promotes hair growth | For Men & Women of All Hair Types | 200ml (Pack of 2)

Which arnica hair oil is best for hair fall? ›

SBL's Arnica Montana oil helps in strengthening the hair, checking dandruff and curbing the hairfall.

Does arnica oil really work? ›

While homeopathic Arnica has little scientific evidence to back up its anti-inflammatory benefits, herbal Arnica has been scientifically proven to help reduce inflammation and pain. Even although herbal arnica can only be applied topically it can be just as effective as ibuprofen gel without the same side effects.

What is the best carrier oil for arnica? ›

Use almond or grapeseed as a carrier oil to dilute pure arnica oil in a 30:70 ratio if oil is not already diluted.

How long does arnica oil last? ›

Your Arnica Herbal Oil will last for one or more years if stored in a cool place out of direct sunlight or in the refrigerator for maximum shelf life.

Does arnica help with wrinkles? ›

It can help those with eczema and acne, or acne scarring (not recommended on broken skin), and an increase in circulation can reduce dark circles and swelling around the eyes. Thymohydroquinone contains antioxidants that will also help with wrinkles, fine lines and blemishes.

What is arnica made from? ›

Arnica comes from the perennial Arnica montana, a yellow-orangish flower that grows in the mountains of Europe and Siberia. It's sometimes called the “mountain daisy,” because its color and petals look like the familiar flower.

How far in advance should you take arnica? ›

For Arnica Montana, take 4 pills, 4 times per day. You should begin taking them approximately 4 days prior to surgery and then discontinue taking them 4 days after surgery. If you forgot to take them and it is now the day before your surgery, you don't have to worry – just start taking them today.

Does arnica raise blood pressure? ›

Don't take arnica if you have a fast heart rate. High blood pressure: Arnica might increase blood pressure. Don't take arnica if you have high blood pressure. Surgery: Arnica might cause extra bleeding during and after surgery.

Does arnica improve blood circulation? ›

Potent anti-inflammatory agents in Arnica help protect damaged blood capillaries, and many of Arnica's ingredients account for anti-bruising. In addition, Arnica stimulates white blood cell activity, thereby improving circulation to combat swelling.

Does arnica cause blood thinning? ›

Individuals taking anticoagulants (also known as “blood thinners”), aspirin, or certain supplements, should use caution when considering arnica-containing products. Arnica can reduce the body's ability to form blood clots which can increase the risk of bleeding.

Do doctors recommend arnica? ›

After cosmetic surgery, filler treatments, or even Botox, many doctors recommend their patients take Arnica to prevent bruising.

What is arnica Q for hair? ›

Arnica is used at a concentration of 1% to 2% in hair care products. Being an antibiotic, it can effectively cure scalp infections. It strengthens each and every hair strand and helps prevent split ends and premature graying of hair.

Why are you not supposed to touch arnica? ›

We do not recommend touching the pellets and tablets with your fingers or hands. Introducing any moisture to the pellets or tablets will begin the dispensing of the medicine, and any oils on your skin may coat them and hinder absorption once the medicine is in your mouth.

How many days can you take arnica? ›

Stop using this product and consult a doctor if symptoms persist for more than 3 days or worsen, if new symptoms occur, or if redness or swelling is present, because these could be signs of a serious illness. If pregnant or breast-feeding, ask a health professional before use.

Can I use arnica on my face? ›

Arnicare Cream has a soothing effect and is preferred for use on senstive areas (i.e. the face). It is recommended by doctors, plastic surgeons and pharmacists, and is used by professional athletes.

Can you drink water after taking arnica? ›

Take 3 tablets, 3 times a day. Place tablets under the tongue and let dissolve naturally. For optimal results, do not brush your teeth, eat, or drink anything but water, 15 minutes before or 15 minutes after taking Arnica Montana.

Does arnica lower heart rate? ›

Arnica can also trigger increases in blood pressure and heart rate. This is more likely if used in excess or on broken skin. 1 More of the active ingredient can be absorbed through broken skin.

Do you take arnica before or after? ›

Yes arnica needs to be taken about 2 days prior surgery to help you reduce swelling and bruising.

What is arnica in English? ›

Arnica /ˈɑːrnɪkə/ is a genus of perennial, herbaceous plants in the sunflower family (Asteraceae). The genus name Arnica may be derived from the Greek arni, "lamb", in reference to the plants' soft, hairy leaves.

How long does it take for arnica to work? ›

Arnica creams such as Skintensive Bruise And Scar Cream can be used for topical application to heal bruises effectively. Using the arnica cream two to three times a day for three weeks is suggested to get the desired results.

Do I have to dilute arnica oil? ›

Only use arnica oil in diluted form, as pure arnica is very potent. Use almond or grapeseed as a carrier oil to dilute pure arnica oil in a 30:70 ratio if oil is not already diluted.

What happens if you use too much arnica? ›

Large amounts of undiluted Arnica can cause irritation or damage to the skin, mouth, throat, and stomach, as well as vomiting, diarrhea, rashes, shortness of breath, fast heartbeat, high blood pressure, damage to the heart and other organs, increased bleeding, coma, and death.

What can you not mix with arnica? ›

Medications that slow blood clotting (Anticoagulant / Antiplatelet drugs) interacts with ARNICA. Arnica might slow blood clotting. Taking arnica along with medications that also slow blood clotting might increase the risk of bruising and bleeding.

What oil speeds up hair growth? ›

Castor oil

This oil is rich in antioxidants and ricinoleic acid which has circulation-boosting properties. The ricinoleic acid also enhances the health of hair follicles which in turns promote hair growth. Make castor oil a part of your hair care regime and you won't regret!

Which is the No 1 hair oil in world? ›

1 Hair Oil - 550 ml with Almond Shampoo - 350 ml Free (2 Items in the set)

Can you use arnica everyday? ›

For topical treatment of conditions such as osteoarthritis, it is suggested that you should use an arnica gel product and rub it into the affected joints two to three times daily for 3 weeks. Make sure you only use diluted homeopathic preparations because pure arnica can be toxic to your liver if taken internally.

Does arnica help hair growth? ›

Providing nourishment to the scalp, arnica invigorates it and stimulates the hair follicles to promote the growth of new and healthy hair.

Is arnica good for your scalp? ›

Arnica Montana: Arnica rejuvenates your scalp and stimulates the hair follicles and strengthens each and every hair strand and helps prevent split ends, Excessive falling and premature graying of hair.

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