Recognizing Early Pregnancy Symptoms after IVF | Fertility Center of San Antonio (2024)


Couples who are having difficulty conceiving can often overcome the problem through fertilitytreatments such as IVF. However, for many patients, waiting is the most painstaking element of this procedure, as it can take about two weeks for signs of pregnancy to occur.

At the Fertility Center of San Antonio inSan Antonio, TX, we understand the emotional and psychological effects of IVF. Today, our team will explain how you can recognizeearly pregnancy symptoms after IVF, and how to properly care for yourself during this trying time.

IVF: A Brief Synopsis

When a patient decides to undergo IVF, the woman’s egg is fertilized with a sperm sample in a lab, and then kept in an incubator. After a few days, the embryo is inserted directly into the uterus. In most cases, it takes approximately two weeks for early pregnancy symptoms to occur.

Exploring Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Once the embryo transfer has occurred, the wait begins. Keep in mind that symptoms can be different for everyone. However, there are a few things to look for that could indicate early pregnancy. Some of the most common signs will be discussed in the sections below.

Missed Period

Did you know that not every pregnant woman will miss her period? In fact, those who undergo IVF often have spotting or bleeding approximately two weeks after the transfer.


Any time there is a surge of hormones, headaches are normal. In this case, it could mean early pregnancy, or it could mean your period is about to start.


One of the most common, telltale signs of early pregnancy is nausea. This may be fleeting in nature, or it could linger. When severe, vomiting may accompany the nausea.

Breast Changes

Some women experience a feeling of fullness to the point of tenderness or slight discomfort. In most cases, the areola will darken and the nipples will become more sensitive.


Do you find that you are constantly tired or exhausted? This could indicate that your body is preparing for new life.

Thirst and Frequent Urination

If conception has occurred, your metabolic rate will increase. When this happens, your kidneys filter out more waste. The result is extreme thirst and frequent urination.

Excess Saliva

There are several reasons why saliva may become excessive. Two of the most common reasons are nausea and hormonal surges.

Abdominal Cramping

In some cases, cramping could indicate that the embryo is attaching to the uterus. This may or may not be accompanied by spotting or bleeding.

Mood Changes or Irritability

One of the most common signs of pregnancy is extreme sensitivity. You might laugh at things you would not normally find hilarious, and you could cry for absolutely no reason. If you are experiencing these extreme mood swings, it could indicate that the IVF was successful.

Self-care during the First Two Weeks

Undergoing IVF is both exciting and terrifying. A little planning can help you abate your stress, fears, and worry during the process. Here are a few tips and tricks we recommend:

  • Be choosy about who you tell about your IVF.
  • Express your emotions with your partner.
  • Stay optimistic through meditation, deep breathing, or positive affirmations.
  • Practice self-care through activities that relax you or bring you joy.

Contact Us to Learn More

If you have further questions about early pregnancy symptoms after IVF, reach out to a team member. You cancontact us onlineor call us at (210) 405-3154.

Recognizing Early Pregnancy Symptoms after IVF | Fertility Center of San Antonio (2024)
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