Handbook M-39 Revision: Names Changes and Package Simplification Process
Effective July 28, 2013, the Postal Service™ will revise Handbook M-39, Management of Delivery Services, to reflect the discontinuation of Parcel Post and updates for the Package Simplification process.
Handbook M-39, Management of Delivery Services
1 Administration of City Delivery Service
11 Introduction
116 Mail Processing for Delivery Services
[Revise the title of 116.9 to read as follows:]
116.9 Parcels
[Revise the title of 116.91 to read as follows:]
116.91 Receipt of Parcels
[Revise the first sentence of 116.91 to read as follows:]
The receipt of parcels at the delivery unit can have a substantial impact on the overall efficiency of carrier operations. ***
[Revise the last sentence of 116.91 to read as follows:]
***Early availability of parcels also permits the delivery unit manager to direct carriers to load vehicles with parcels earlier on light days if undertime occurs.
[Revise the title of 116.92 to read as follows:]
116.92 Parcels — Received in Sacks Made Up to Route
[Revise the title of 116.93 to read as follows:]
116.93 Parcels — Distributed to Routes at the Unit
[Revise the title of 116.94 to read as follows:]
116.94 Undistributed Parcels at the Unit
12 Office Work Routine
122 Scheduling Carriers
122.2 Carriers’ Leaving Schedules
122.21 Established Leaving Schedule
[Revise item c to read as follows:]
c. Necessary Office Time. Time required to case this mail, withdraw, tray or strap out mail, obtain parcels, and complete other required office duties; and
125 Carrier Work Methods — Street
125.8 Curbline Delivery
125.81 Serve Boxes from Vehicle
[Revise the text of 125.81 to read as follows:]
On a curbline delivery route, the carrier must serve the mailbox without leaving the vehicle, except to collect postage dues, obtain payment or signature for extra services mail, to deliver parcels too large for the box, or to serve a box temporarily blocked.
13 Analyzing Operations
132 Review of Collection Service
132.2 Considerations
[Revise the text of 132.27 to read as follows:]
Parcel post delivery routes may be arranged to provide regular assignments consisting of parcel deliveries and collections. This will eliminate some of the problems regarding manpower available to make evening collections.
134 Street Management
134.5 Safety
[Revise the text of 134.5 to read as follows:]
During any period of street supervision, every opportunity must be taken to emphasize safety while driving, walking on sidewalks, walking up and down steps, crossing streets, collecting mail, or delivering relays or parcels.
14 Adjustments
144 Expedited Preferential Mail Delivery Program
144.1 Description
[Revise the last sentence of 144.1 to read as follows:]
***Parcels will be handled in the established manner.
15 City Delivery Service Motorization
152 Selection of Vehicles
[Revise item d to read as follows:]
d. Pieces of parcels delivered daily.
[Revise the table to read as follows:]
Description of Route | Type and Capacity Vehicle | |
50 or more curbline stops and door dismounts; 0 to 15 miles of travel; 30 or less average parcels daily | Right-hand drive; light delivery | |
50 or more curbline stops and door dismounts; more than 15 miles of travel; 30 or less parcels daily | Right-hand drive; light delivery | |
50 or more curbline stops and door dismounts; unlimited mileage; 31 or more average parcels daily | Right-hand drive; ½ ton truck | |
One to 49 dismounts; unlimited mileage; 30 or less average parcels | Right-hand drive; light delivery Left-hand drive; light delivery | |
One to 49 dismounts; unlimited mileage; 31 or more average parcels | Right-hand drive; ½ ton truck Left-hand drive; ½ ton truck |
[Revise the title of 16 to read as follows:]
16 Parcels
[Revise the title of 161 to read as follows:]
161 Parcel Delivery Requirements
[Revise the title of 162 to read as follows:]
162 Analysis of Parcel Operations
[Revise the last sentence of 162 to read as follows:]
***Also, periodically make an analysis of PS Form 1571 to determine when and how frequently parcels are curtailed.
2 Mail Counts and Route Inspections
22 Conducting the Count of Mail
222 Completion of Forms 1838, 1838-A, 1838-B, and 1838-C
222.2 Summaries
222.21 Letter Routes — Non-EPM and CMU
222.212 Columns (a), (b), and (c) — Trip Data (Number of Pieces)
[Revise the first sentence of item c to read as follows:]
c. Line 3, Accountable and Signature Mail (Registered, Certified, COD, Customs, Priority Mail Express, and Postage Due).***
[Revise the first sentence of item e to read as follows:]
e. Line 5, All Parcels Over 2 Pounds. ***
222.214 Columns (e), (f), and (g), (Minutes)
[Revise the first sentence of item a to read as follows:]
a. Line 14, Registered — Certified — COD — Priority Mail Express — Customs — Postage-Due — Keys — Form 3868 — Signing For, Returning Funds and Receipts.***
222.23 Parcels and Combination Services Routes
222.231 Form 1838-A
[Revise item b to read as follows:]
b. Line 2. Record actual number of registered, numbered insured, Priority Mail Express, certified, CODs returned, and postage-due parcels.
23 Conducting the Route Inspection
234 Record and Evaluation
234.3 Collection Routes
234.33 Preparing Form 3999-B — Inspection of Collection Route
e. The examiner will comment on the following for those routes utilizing barcode or similar scanning devices:
(1) Is the carrier familiar with the use of the barcode or similar scanning device?
[Revise item d to read as follows:]
Does the carrier scan on/off collection to reflect lunch, break, comfort stops or intermittent relay, parcels or Priority Mail Express delivery, or other duties?
24 Analysis and Adjustments — Letter Routes
241 Summary of Count and Inspection
241.3 Preparing Form 1840
241.35 Complete remaining items as follows:
[Revise the first sentence of item j to read as follows:]
j. Column 5, Parcels Over Two Pounds. ***
We will incorporate these revisions into the next online issue of Handbook M-39, Management of Delivery Services, which is available on the Postal Service PolicyNet website:
n Under “Essential Links” in the left-hand column, click PolicyNet.
n On the PolicyNet page, click HBKs.
(The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet website is http://blue.usps.gov/cpim.)
— Delivery Operations,
Delivery and Post Office Operations, 7-25-13