1. [PDF] Discipline and Punish by Michel Foucault - Monoskop
Michel Foucault was born in Poitiers, France, in 1926. He lectured in universities throughout the world; served as the director at the Institut Frangais in ...
2. [PDF] Foucault - The Key Ideas - DickyRicky
Rather ironically, one of Foucault's criticisms of Sartre was that the latter represented the ideal of the universal intellectual, someone.
3. [PDF] Michel Foucault: The Eye of Power: A Conversation with Jean-Pierre ...
His most important work, The Social Contract, describes the relationship between man and society. In this book,. Rousseau argues that a state based on a genuine ...
4. [PDF] essential works of - foucault - 1984 - Monoskop
Missing: Jean- Pierre
5. [PDF] The Foucault Reader, edited by Paul Rabinow - Void Network
Michel Foucault and Noam Chomsky appeared, some years ago, on a Dutch television program for a debate on the topk "Human. Nature: Justice versus Power.
6. [PDF] Foucault Subject and Power.pdf - Kobe University
Missing: Jean- | Show results with:Jean-
7. [PDF] The Chomsky-Foucault Debate
The New Press was established in 1990 as a not-for-profit alternative to the large, commercial publishing houses currently dominating the book publishing ...
8. [PDF] The Order of Things | Michel Foucault
Missing: Jean- | Show results with:Jean-
They evoke the book and movie Moi, Pierre Rivière and the testimony of ... John Lonsdale (1992) in a book that is much more foucauldian than you might ...
10. [PDF] Gilles Deleuze, Sean Hand-Foucault - AltExploit
Foucault's book is full of a joy or jubilation that blends in with the ... Vernant, Jean-Pierre 146 n.17. Veyne, Paul 151 n.46. Vicq d'Azyr, Felix 127.
11. [PDF] Philosophy as a Way of Life Spiritual Exercises from Socrates to Foucault
Foucault/Pierre Hadot; edited by Arnold Davidson; translated by. Michael ... example, Jean-Pierre Vemant, "L'individu dans la cite," in Sur l'individu ...
12. [PDF] Foucault-Michel-The-Eye-of-Power ...
Gordan, Pantheon Books, 1980. M. Facauth. 8 THE EYE OF POWER. A conversation with Jean-Pierre Barou and Michelle Perrot. BAROU: Jeremy Bentham's Panopticon' is ...