How to avoid frozen shoulder (2024)

Hindustan Times | ByHT Correspondent, Mumbai

Most of us spend a number of hours in front of the computer and this posture doesn't allow a good movement of the shoulder. The outdoor sports activities have decreased among the people due to work and academic pressure. This has led to an increased prevalence of frozen shoulder.

Frozen shoulder is a disorder in which the shoulder and the connective tissues surrounding the shoulder joint become inflamed and stiff, thus limiting the shoulder movement. Frozen shoulder affects about 1 in 50 adults at some stage in their life. It’s most commonly found among people between the ages of 40 to 60. The cause of frozen shoulder is not clear, but it’s commonly associated with certain diseases like thyroid disease, tuberculosis, lung cancer, heart disease or stroke, and especially, diabetes. It is thought to be caused by a lack of fluid in the joint that restricts movement. Minor tears in the shoulder joint caused by heavy lifting may also be a cause.

How to avoid frozen shoulder (1)
How to avoid frozen shoulder (2)

In order to prevent the frozen shoulder, it’s important to keep the shoulder joint fully moving. Lead an active lifestyle that involves exercises and proper diet. The following tips will provide relief from frozen shoulder. With proper exercise, rest, and nutrition, a person with frozen shoulder can find great relief from pain.

Dietary guidelines
To combat stiffness, avoid food, drink with caffeine.
Avoid meat, butter, cheese and milk as that will increase inflammation.
Increase intake of raw fruits like cherries, papaya, pineapple. They contain proteolyic enzymes which in turn help to reduce inflammation.
Increase intake of omega 3 fats in supplemental form and from fish and walnuts.
Take 2 tbsp of flax seed powder daily.
Use ginger and turmeric, liberally in cooking.
Take magnesium supplements to relax muscles. Avoid if you have kidney problems.
Try a spoonful of sesame seeds soaked overnight.
Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapple. It is a anti-inflammatory and alleviates pain and stiffness.

Dr Anjali Mukerjee is a nutritionist and founder of Health Total, a nutrition counselling centre

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How to avoid frozen shoulder (2024)
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