Can You Play Roblox on PS4/PS5? [Conclusive Answer 2024] (2024)

Millions and billions of Roblox fans are asking the question of whether Roblox is available for PS4 or not.

It has been fifteen years since Roblox came to Windows, Mac OS, iOS, Android, Xbox One, and Oculus Rift. But why is Roblox not coming for the PlayStation console?Can You Play Roblox on PS4/PS5? [Conclusive Answer 2024] (1)

So, keep reading on to find the answer to this burning question.

Can You Play Roblox on PS4 and PS5?

No. Roblox is not currently available for PS4 and PS5. As a result, you cannot find it on the PlayStation store. So you cannot download and play it online on PS4. Right now, Roblox is only available for Windows, Mac, Xbox, iOS, and Android.

Even though Roblox is not present on the PS Store, you can access it from PS4 using the web browser. You can log in to your Roblox account and browse the different games from the Roblox webpage. But once you click the play button of any game, you will be notified that the PS4 browser is not supported.

Can You Play Roblox on PS4/PS5? [Conclusive Answer 2024] (2)

Because Roblox needs libraries installed on the system, which are needed when you launch a game for your browser. If you ever played Roblox on a PC, you must have downloaded its installer and installed it. This option is unavailable for PlayStation users.

When Does Roblox Come Out for PS4?

Right now, there is no official announcement for the release date of Roblox on PS4. However, there is a glimmer of hope that one day PlayStation players will get to play Roblox.

Back in March 2022, the Roblox Corporation was looking for software engineers specifically for developing PlayStation games. While the company has not commented specifically on this development, a future PS version was not ruled out entirely.

During a Reddit AMA session last year, Roblox CEO David Baszuki was quoted saying platforms other than PC and Xbox make perfect sense, but he won’t share a future plan yet. This news does give a good idea that the game could be released on PS5 in the future.

Now you may ask how much Roblox is for PS4/PS5.

Roblox is free on PC and smartphones. But playing it online on Xbox requires you to have an Xbox Live subscription. So, going by that, you may require a PS Plus subscription to play Roblox when it launches on PlayStation. And yes, it will probably be free to download.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Roblox not on PS5?

Roblox was initially launched on Windows and ported to Xbox, which shares some architectural similarities. Also, adding in an exclusive partnership between Microsoft and Roblox meant it was not released on the PlayStation platform.

How to get Roblox on PS4 for free?

Roblox is not available for PS4. That means you cannot download and install it, even if it is free for other platforms.

Will PlayStation ever add Roblox?

You can play Roblox on PC and Xbox. As for when it becomes available for PlayStation, it is up to the developers. Keep an eye out on Roblox’s official Twitter account for such announcements. As of now, you can only create a Roblox account on PS4.

How to make a PS4 account for Roblox?

To create a Roblox account on PS4, open the Browser from the home screen and go to Enter your birthday, user name, and password, and press the Sign Up button. When the account creation is done, you can browse the contents of the page from PS4.

Final Thoughts

As of now, Roblox is not available on PS4. Players can create a Roblox account on PS4 but can’t play any games directly off the web. I recommend waiting or playing Roblox on PC as of now.

Until Roblox becomes available for PlayStation, it is time to say goodbye.

Can You Play Roblox on PS4/PS5? [Conclusive Answer 2024] (2024)
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