Can You Collect Social Security Disability Benefits For Chronic Pain? (2024)

Chronic pain is a condition that can leave victims emotionally and physically exhausted. It’s no surprise that many Social Security applicants cite chronic pain as their reason for seeking benefits, as chronic pain often leaves people too physically sore and mentally tired to maintain any sort of productivity. However, proving pain can be a challenge, which often leaves applicants with minimal options.

Learn more about applying for benefits for chronic pain, and to get more help with your application, call Walton Law at 251-455-5819.

No Benefits for a Chronic Pain Diagnosis

The bad news is that you cannot get Social Security benefits for a chronic pain diagnosis. Chronic pain is not listed in the Listing of Impairments, nor is it considered a true medical diagnosis. Even if your pain is severe enough to leave you physically disabled, the Social Security Administration will require further evidence and documentation of your medical conditions to consider you for benefits.

Getting to the Root Cause of Your Chronic Pain

This means that you will likely need to get to the bottom of your chronic pain and figure out which medical condition causes it. The Social Security Administration’s Blue Book includes physical diagnoses that lead to chronic pain, as well as neurological disorders that can cause pain.

If you have suffered from chronic pain for some time, you’ll know that this can be an uphill battle. While chronic pain is slowly becoming more widely understood by medical providers, there are still many who consider people with chronic pain to be lazy, seeking pain medication, or weak.

Trying to find a doctor who understands chronic pain leaves many patients disheartened and hopeless. But by sticking with the search and staying persistent until you find a doctor who is committed to helping you, you can boost your chances of getting the treatment you need and getting the proper diagnosis necessary for SSD benefits.

If this is an ongoing issue for you, consider talking to your attorney about it. They may know of local care providers who can help you understand your chronic pain and uncover its root cause.

A wide variety of diagnoses in the SSA Blue Book can cause chronic pain. For example, inflammatory arthritis can cause such intense pain and numbness that patients are unable to even bend or move their joints. A variety of back injuries, cataloged in section 1.00 of the Blue Book, can also immobilize and incapacitate patients.

If your pain comes from digestive issues, consider looking into section 5.00 of the Blue Book. Problems like inflammatory bowel disease, short bowel syndrome, and liver disease can leave patients with uncontrollable pain.

Seeking Benefits Through an RFC Assessment

Perhaps you’ve sought medical care and a comprehensive diagnosis, only to be disappointed over and over again by the options in your area. You’re not alone—while there is progress being made in the field of chronic pain, it is still far too difficult for many patients to get their concerns taken seriously.

If you are unable to procure a diagnosis that proves the cause of your chronic pain, you may need to apply for SSD benefits with an RFC assessment. A residual functional capacity assessment looks at what you are physically able to do and compares it to what you need to be able to do for your current job.

If your limitations are such that you cannot do your current job, your RFC allows the SSA to determine whether or not you are capable of working in another field. If your limitations do not allow you to work at all, you may be able to receive SSD benefits.

The SSA will look at a wide range of factors while determining your residual functioning capacity, including the location of the pain, how often the pain occurs, and how intense the pain is. They will also consider any pain medications you use, factors that contribute to your pain, and pain relief techniques that do and do not work for you.

Contact Walton Law to Learn More About Your Options

Chronic pain can be debilitating and isolating, but you don’t have to fight for SSD benefits alone. The team at Walton Law is here with you every step of the way. Set up a consultation now bycontacting us onlineor calling us at 251-455-5819.

Can You Collect Social Security Disability Benefits For Chronic Pain? (2024)
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